View Full Version : Bad Wedding Pictures - Photographers Get Sued (Please don't let this happen to me)

07-28-2012, 10:59 PM
Are these Britain's worst wedding pictures? Newlyweds devastated as photographer failed to get couple in frame and took blurry shots | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2132578/Are-Britains-worst-wedding-pictures-Newlyweds-devastated-photographer-failed-couple-frame-took-blurry-shots.html)

Wow. These are pretty bad. I can't believe that these guys are professionals.

I got volunteered into taking pictures at a a wedding last year by my girl friend (it was somebody she knew). I stressed to the bride that I know nothing about wedding photography, that I would do my best but there would be no guarantees. I simply did this for free for a friend. Well, as much as I was disappointed with my pictures, they were no where near as bad as those two so-called professionals. Oh well the married couple liked the pictures I took, so I guess that's the important thing.

...... and then just yesterday I got volun-told to take pictures at a work colleague of my girlfriend, at her wedding engagement ceremony. Damn I got to learn to say no (or maybe get a new girlfriend who won't keep volunteering me for these things)

07-29-2012, 12:07 AM
They are horrid but it appears the bride and groom never bothered to look at previous work or talk to references and shows how little effort some people put into choosing a photographer; they put more effort in to minor things and just assume they will get a good photographer and good photos. I always say no to weddings even when one of my very best friends was married a few years back and wanted me to take photos I just came out and said no, and they were willing to pay but I just do not do enough of it to offer it to anyone and I would hate to end up with bad photos and then feel bad for it even if I did it for free. I might do a great job of it but I am not willing to risk their day nor my relationship with anyone over some photos. No should never be a problem to tell people because no matter how much you may forewarn them you may end up disappointing them anyway and will be that photographer who took our crappy wedding shots and it may strain some relationships even if you are not the one directly affected. If I ever considered doing them I would have to do a few as a second shooter first just to make sure I would be able to give them at minimum satisfactory photos and that is not enough for me either as I would have to be able to give them stunning photos, some people only get married once and if I feel I am not qualified or able to give them what I think deserve or what I expect to be able to give them, I say no. Just my opinion though, just be careful when you say yes.

07-30-2012, 09:47 PM
Saw that one a while ago... like AL, I'd prefer to be a second shooter a few times before I ever went solo. I believe it's a tough job and you want to make sure you know what your doing. For some people a wedding only happens once! :)