View Full Version : The beach at night

07-08-2012, 08:53 PM
My wife and I took a stroll to Forest Beach in Hilton Head last night, and the skies are so dark over the ocean, the center of the milky way galaxy was visible to the naked eye. Of course, the camera is more sensitive to light, so at iso 1600, with in camera long exposure noise reduction on, and a wide open aperture, an exposure time of approximately one minute gave me this image. (fixed up a bit in pp)

http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8016/7531788554_5886511617_c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/justinryansr/7531788554/)
milky way at the beach (http://www.flickr.com/photos/justinryansr/7531788554/) by Justin Ryan sr (http://www.flickr.com/people/justinryansr/), on Flickr

07-13-2012, 08:49 PM
Wow that sky is amazing. I love the movement in the foliage too, has a magical & peaceful feel to it.

07-15-2012, 12:33 PM
That's a cool picture. You mention that you used the "in camera long exposure noise reduction". I have a question about this. With the quality of noise reduction software we have now, is it better to use the "in camera" noise reduction or do it in "post".

07-15-2012, 08:21 PM
Several things.....it was on, and I didn't realize it, so I went with it. Two, my computer is a pos. three, I wasn't really concerned with the noise....as Rick Sammon says, "if a picture is so boring you notice the noise..."