04-29-2012, 08:48 PM
so this weekend my new baby came home. He is a 16 month old PRE Andalusian. This is a spanish breed of horse. His name is Acero which is spanish for 'steele'. His colour is a bit odd right now but he will be grey when he's done.
I have a lot of fun ahead of me as I raise him and eventually train him under saddle. But that is at least a year and a half away.
getting ready to go to sleep: (
acero sleeping ( by bambe1964 (, on Flickr
he and Irish getting to know each other (
hello ( by bambe1964 (, on Flickr
and this because it's just so darn sweet. :) (
sharing ( by bambe1964 (, on Flickr
I have a lot of fun ahead of me as I raise him and eventually train him under saddle. But that is at least a year and a half away.
getting ready to go to sleep: (
acero sleeping ( by bambe1964 (, on Flickr
he and Irish getting to know each other (
hello ( by bambe1964 (, on Flickr
and this because it's just so darn sweet. :) (
sharing ( by bambe1964 (, on Flickr