View Full Version : Nature Abstract & Impressionism

Doug L
04-24-2012, 09:00 PM
Now that I'm starting to see a few spring colours, I'm itching to try some more 'camera movement during exposure' photos - see last November's Photo Assignment. Here are some shots I've never posted before. All were taken with a 50mm lens.





Doug L
04-24-2012, 09:05 PM
And four more...





04-25-2012, 12:30 AM
Impressive set of images.

All are very nice , but I'm particularly drawn to the first of each set of four. In the first, I believe I see the reflection of water and it brings and holds the other ever so slightly recognizable elements together nicely.

The first of the second set is also charming(...and I don't mean in a cute way). It seems as if it asks me to gaze as deeply as I did the first, but for different reasons. I feel as if I've seen the image before, but don't know if it was another similar photograph somewhere else...or maybe in a dream.

Nice work.

04-25-2012, 12:45 AM
Really nice set here. I like them all, but agree with Barefoot 1 & 5 are my favourites

Doug L
04-25-2012, 09:00 AM
... I'm particularly drawn to the first of each set of four... The first of the second set ... I feel as if I've seen the image before...
Thanks for the comments. The first in each set are more impressionistic - the elements are still recognizeable, as you said. The others are fun experiments in abstract shape, texture, colour and texture. As for the first shot in the second series, I took many images after that snowfall, and did post two others in the Photo Assignment last November. :)

04-25-2012, 09:14 AM
Nice play Doug L - Along with the motion blur shot 1 has a very interesting mood to it.

It is my fave of the set. My second fave is shot 5.

Doug L
04-25-2012, 09:17 AM
Thanks, Marko.

04-26-2012, 10:19 AM
That first one of second post with the trees is very nicely done, but love the third one of the same set. Such lovely, soft, flowing colours that really create a pleasure to the eye.