View Full Version : Amarula Ice Bar - Snow village Montreal

02-29-2012, 12:23 PM
I had dinner at the snow village on Ile Sainte - Helene in Montreal QC. a few weeks ago. It was a very cool experience, some friends took us out which was nice because the whole place is fairly pricey.
After the dinner we toured the village. This is a shot of the Amarula Ice bar using intentional camera movement.

Please feel free to critique this image in any way.

02-29-2012, 04:23 PM
Interesting style but for me they just really make me dizzy and find them really hard to look at. I have looked at this new style you are trying more than once to make sure it was I was off the first time but I get the same feeling each time. It is unique though but I wonder if it is just me or if anyone else feels it has the same effect they have on me it has on them? I think it is wonderful you are exploring with a new technique and hope it is just me.

02-29-2012, 06:20 PM
I appreciate the brutal honesty A.L. I'd like to know what more members think about it actually. Don't be shy! This technique is a love hate thing for a lot of people but I confess that “I take photographs with love, so I try to make them art objects. But I make them for myself first and foremost - that is important.” - Jacques-Henri Lartigue :) I also confess that this has (almost) become an even stronger addiction than my coffee addiction - lol.

02-29-2012, 06:35 PM
Firstly - I really like this image it does work for me.

As for camera motion as a "style". For what my humble opinion is worth - you said be honest so here it is. I really like it, but not all the time. For me it is something I like to see periodically but not exclusively. In some respects it is a bit like HDR. When it is done creatively / appropriately I like it, but that's not all i want to see.

Having said that I have liked all of the images you have posted recently

02-29-2012, 10:04 PM
I do like the two tone colour of this one and the painterly feel. None of these shots make me dizzy but I can see how it might affect some like that. I'm not a fan of this particular image but I recognize it as a good example of this style. I am not a fan of country music but I can tell good from bad ;)

03-01-2012, 12:31 PM
Actually I like it very much.Image have for me big artistic value.It have some painterly look with colors and light in the same time.This techniques is so intriguing for me because every work is unique and depends on author what like to say or feel.It give to author possibility to express your self. I only wish that you continue with that art.

03-01-2012, 01:49 PM
I appreciate the extra comments, Thanks everyone!
You'll be seeing more of this work that's for sure.

03-01-2012, 07:13 PM
Love the colours and painterly look. However, I think in general I'm kind of with A.L. on this. This style is not really my cup of tea.

Doug L
03-02-2012, 07:29 AM
Marko, I also fell in love with experimenting with this technique (camera movement during exposure). I, though, limited it to mild impressionist landscape images or creating abstracts with colour and texture. Trying to maintain recognizable shapes of things like people and signage within the blurring created from the movement increases the difficulty of the shot tenfold. Having said that, I really love the blue and neon pink colours in this image. You know, if I hadn't read your posting intro, the movement and tilt of the shot would have given me the impression the people were on the bow of a ship - I'd love to see the same technique using seamen on a sailing ship. Anyway, keep on experimenting.