View Full Version : Satin Bowerbirds

Mad Aussie
12-29-2011, 02:47 AM
In some areas of the rainforest these Satin Bowerbirds are reasonably common.

The males appear black but in the right light they have an obvious iridescent blue sheen.


The 'Bower' the male builds, including the various blue trinkets he has collected and placed around to attract the female. They will take and steal anything blue they think will suit. Bottle tops and straws are popular.

The male in a nearby tree singing to get a female to come look at his work


12-29-2011, 09:30 AM
Those purply-pinky eyes are very cool. Nice shots. I'm surprised they hang around with you throwing a flash in their direction. Are they not fearful of people?

Mad Aussie
12-29-2011, 05:16 PM
Those purply-pinky eyes are very cool. Nice shots. I'm surprised they hang around with you throwing a flash in their direction. Are they not fearful of people?
Some get used to people around the picnic areas etc but most birds are wary of course. I'm using 400mm x 1.6 here and was about 12 metres away I'd guesstamate.
Sometimes birds flinch when I use the flash but usually only small birds and they often seem to figure out it's not going to hurt them.