View Full Version : Plantation Homes and Church in Convent, LA

10-07-2011, 11:41 AM
This is a small town about 10 minutes from my house. There are some great old antebellum homes and old churches. Sad thing, these are about 15 minutes from Baton Rouge, and not many people know about them. I do want to go back and shoot the insides one day.

The Houmas House Plantation - pic#1 (unfortunately it was not open this early in the morning,so I had to shoot from the road) Houmas House Plantation and Gardens (http://www.houmashouse.com/)

This is the Bocage Plantation - pics#2-4Bocage Plantation - Historic Plantation near New Orleans, Baton Rouge (http://bocageplantation.com/)

Old church in Convent, LA - pic#5

10-07-2011, 06:32 PM
Damn, I just noticed the tilt of shots 3 & 4. The last thing I do is add a border, so I must have accidentally tilted it just before adding the frame. I'm at work, so I won't be able to fix it until the morning.

As for the shots, I not as big on these as I was on the set from the church and store a couple days ago. I really like the first one and the fountain is growing on me, but the other two of the plantation and the one of the church are kind of plain to me, not enough going on in the frame.

Wicked Dark
10-07-2011, 07:25 PM
those really need better light. Think the golden hours. I have a book about plantation photography and it's all about light.

Mad Aussie
10-07-2011, 08:38 PM
Definitely difficult midday light but they show us a snippet of the place quite nicely

10-07-2011, 08:56 PM
Definitely difficult midday light but they show us a snippet of the place quite nicely

Actually it was 8 am in the morning. It was the same time of day I shot my last set at the other old church and general store. The weather and sunlight were nearly identical. There is some thing I did differently. I need to see what the setting were today compared to what the settings were for the church shot from Wednesday. Even the sun was in about the same locating to the church today as it was in my other shot.