View Full Version : First Fall Color

Wicked Dark
10-01-2011, 02:42 PM
Comes in an unexpected place for some - a kettle bog. This one is called Ponemah bog; the name was taken from Longfellow's poem Hiawatha. The whole sanctuary is 75 acres and is still an Audubon property I think. The pond has been shrinking for 6000 years or so since it has no more inflow. The peat moss matting holds a lot of moisture for other plants including bog laurel, rhodora, blueberries, black spruce, sundew, pitcher plants and bog cotton.

I love this little spot even though you can't step off the boardwalks and that makes for challenging compositions. I went out for sunrise the other day and hung out with like 300 geese. Amazing time.

Before the sun crested -

After (and before the clouds covered the sun)

A detail of some color - I loved the little pine trees with their changing needles -

I didn't get any shots of the geese or the pond itself because they were putting in new boardwalk and I couldn't get to the viewing platforms. Maybe in a week or so I can.

Mad Aussie
10-01-2011, 05:18 PM
That's something different for sure. It'll be interesting to see the geese and pond with this backdrop/foreground.

10-02-2011, 06:17 PM
Very nice colours, WD. I'm still whining about summer being too short though.

Wicked Dark
10-03-2011, 07:34 AM
Thanks Glenn. Whining won't help you. Embrace your seasonal change!! :)

10-03-2011, 07:56 AM
Thanks Glenn. Whining won't help you. Embrace your seasonal change!! :)

I love autumn. it's the winter that's on it's heels that's the problem. But I love the colour you found.

10-03-2011, 08:43 AM
These are beautiful WD. Love the vibrant colours you captured. I am also a big fan of the bogs in our area too. So much to see and enjoy.

10-03-2011, 05:27 PM
Lovely set WD!

10-03-2011, 06:55 PM
Love the vibrant red in these pictures.