View Full Version : Louisiana State Capitol

09-22-2011, 03:46 PM
We had some great clouds today, so I grabbed my Canon and went downtown.

These are untouched, I still need to level out alittle, crop some.

What do you think?

09-22-2011, 04:51 PM
Here is another shot. I set it to B&W, cropped it, & leveled it.

09-22-2011, 07:14 PM
One More

09-23-2011, 01:12 AM
Stunning building, love the late 20's architecture of it, but for some reason it looks lonely. Not used to seeing a building of that calibre alone in the skyline.

09-23-2011, 05:00 AM
Stunning building, love the late 20's architecture of it, but for some reason it looks lonely. Not used to seeing a building of that calibre alone in the skyline.

Yeah, it stands alone basically. It is 24 stories tall (tallest in the city), and does have a friend directly behind me from where I took this shot, it stands 22 stories tall, but is just a plain brown, glass box.

Here is a shot I took of it (not too keen on the shot).

This image is also untouched (out of level, uncropped, etc)

09-23-2011, 06:53 PM
OK, here is my final draft of the 1st image above. Please critique!!! The only critique I got so far was on another forum. The critique was, "image is good, but building is boring." I need more than that. You will not hurt my feelings.

Why does the building look like it is not level, but it is dead on level? I guess it is just because of the angle I shot it at.

09-23-2011, 07:50 PM
No mystery here to me. Just as the parallel lines on the sidewalk appear to converge, (and create an optical illusion of tilting slightly) so do the parallel lines of the building sides appear to converge. This is a natural consequence of using lenses to display images. While the baseline of the building may be level in the photo, (i.e. parallel to the photo frame) the building itself appears slightly tilted (i.e. not parallel to the photo frame). It is also designed to appear to converge, narrowing at the top as it does. I think it's a well composed photograph but I might have tried to move in closer to shoot from where the garbage can is and past the overhanging branches. Thanks for sharing. I've never been to Baton Rouge so wouldn't have seen this otherwise.

09-23-2011, 09:04 PM
My only critique would be the tree limb just is far to distracting. I would try to get on the other side of the tree (depending on what is there of course). You have these nice lines and then this green tree growth just drawing your eyes away from the building itself. The lower parts of the tree would be fine but that upper branch is far to distracting. I like the building as I mentioned and yes the brown glass box is atrocious.

09-24-2011, 04:45 AM
Here is one more without the trees, more of a heads on shot. I think it is boring without the trees