View Full Version : Full Moon over Stoney Trail Construction

Matt K.
08-13-2011, 02:45 PM
After my excursion to Frank Lake yesterday (knew there was a full moon coming, but it did not rise while I was there) I saw the moon rising way later than I expected. Darn thing was: I was passing through the construction site of the Stoney Trail ring road expansion in the southwest of Calgary. Lots of standing water (= mosquitoes) and equipment. So I thought: why not? Would be something different to capture for a change.

Here is a slideshow (http://www.flickr.com/photos/50569829@N06/sets/72157627300236013/show/) of 10 images. So much to learn..... all images are taken on tripod, long exposure, f8, and no flash.

08-13-2011, 11:38 PM
Interesting and almost abstract in nature...I like!

08-14-2011, 12:54 PM
Cool series, Matt! Are they all single frame photos or layered? How did you expose the moon and get enough exposure for the rest of the shots? I actually like the construction as a background. It is quite surreal and kind of unexpected.

Matt K.
08-14-2011, 08:11 PM
Cool series, Matt! Are they all single frame photos or layered? How did you expose the moon and get enough exposure for the rest of the shots? I actually like the construction as a background. It is quite surreal and kind of unexpected.

All single frame, JAS. Just long exposure, as a matter of fact, I had to darken them quite a bit, cause they looked like daylight. Would have preferred a different subject for the full moon shots, but this was the best I could find as the moon was realtivey low at that time ... an hour later I would not have gotten the moon into the shots.