View Full Version : Hey all

07-19-2011, 05:04 PM
Just wanted to say hi to all of you on this forum. I've stopped participating in various forums for a while, but think it's time to come back and become more social. I've been shooting for years, constantly improving my technique and trying to be critical of the subject matter. At some things I might be better than some pros, at others i'm still an amateur. I'm very good at candid portraits, spontaneity and mood shots. Not so much into posing... and trying to be as technically flawless as possible. Equipment does matter, but more so the knowledge and application of said equipment - that's my philosophy. You can check out some of my work at Eugene Brodsky Photography (http://boomstik.500px.com), and 500px / Eugene Brodsky (http://500px.com/boomstik). Anyway, cheers to everyone on here, nice to meet you.

07-20-2011, 10:29 AM
Welcome boomstik - Nice images on your sites! Hope you post a few pics here as well!
Best! Marko

07-20-2011, 10:51 AM
You have some nice shots there, boomstik. Welcome to the forum.

Big fan of Evil Dead are you or am I mistaken?

07-20-2011, 02:07 PM
You have some nice shots there, boomstik. Welcome to the forum.

Big fan of Evil Dead are you or am I mistaken?

Thanks :) and you are not mistaken! :)