View Full Version : Umpteen views and not a comment
Matt K.
07-08-2011, 10:56 PM
Hi folks,
once in a while when I browse through the pages (and sometimes there are lots, since I am not on every day) I notice that there are posts that have been viewed many times over, but not one line was added for comment. Usually I search for those posts after I combed through most of the "interesting" titles, and have a good look at them. I usually find something in the image that intrigues me, sometimes it is a bit hard (let's face it, folks, we do put some junk on here as well, I know, because I have done it!) and I think it is just a nice gesture to leave a comment. There are lots of images worthy of comment, and I would encourage you all to take a second look and let yourselves be "wowed". And sometimes we are just "too nice" to our friends and fellow photographers; honesty does not hurt, and how will we learn if there is not the odd "compared to your other work this one looks like you were just pulling the trigger, without thought and passion" and a friendly suggestion?
Just my 2 cents worth ...
Wicked Dark
07-09-2011, 07:55 AM
I see your point, but always try to leave something meaningful. If a shot doesn't bring something to mind, I just let it go and say nothing. I mean, how many times can you say 'great capture' (my most loathed expression) and mean it?
07-09-2011, 08:02 AM
Good observation, Matt. I know I try to check every day as this is my most favourite photography community but even so what happens to me some times is that I miss posts. I use the "New" link pretty much all the time but if I get pulled away from my computer while going through the new posts the "New" link kind of times out and all the "New" ones become old and so they disappear on me.
Something to keep in mind is that this is a public forum and a lot of the "views" are being done by Google, Yahoo, MSN Search, etc. and so it's very possible an image will get a bunch of views but not seen by someone on the forum for whatever reason. By all means add a "bump" post to bring it to the top again or make a comment if you can.
One of the things I try to do every once in a while is go back through the forums looking for images of just that nature and make comments on them so people can see them.
All of that being said, if it happens to one of your shots please don't take it personally, it's usually an "honest" miss such as I've described above. Please feel free to add a "bump" post to let everyone else see it.
07-09-2011, 08:26 AM
I do try to leave a comment but sometimes I don't know what I want to say and then I forget to go back. :) it it were possible it would be nice to have a 'view unanswered posts' link. I've seen them on other boards.
07-09-2011, 04:04 PM
I see your point, but always try to leave something meaningful. If a shot doesn't bring something to mind, I just let it go and say nothing. I mean, how many times can you say 'great capture' (my most loathed expression) and mean it?
+1 to that...nicely said WD.
If we are going for minor irritants about comments, I have to say mine is forum members who simply post photos the forum to get feedback and rarely if ever bother to leave a comment on others members photos.
It would be nice if everyone would give as well as receive when it comes to posting comments. I mean it is not a necessity by any stretch, but it certainly is courteous and kind to leave at least one comment on another's photo after you have posted yours. I try to do that even though I've not been on here much with my life being as busy as it is these days with all the wonderful changes going on.
Just a few thoughts and my $0.02 on the subject.
Wicked Dark
07-09-2011, 04:45 PM
Yeah C, I know what you mean. I think we've got a couple drive by posters. One of which I see posts on every other camera forum I belong to. I like the work, but it seems like blatant whoring.
One thing I'm going to make an effort to do is to ask about the process the person took to take the shot. Sometimes I wonder if people mostly plan, deliberate and torture themselves over things, or if they're easier going. I never do though and that's kind of bad since that's part of what we're here for; to share our techniques and experiences.
07-10-2011, 03:00 AM
"Excellent thread",
(guess I shouldn't just leave it at that comment!!!)
Sometimes when I look at an image, I can appreciate the skill of the photographer and the effort they have gone to get the image, but I don't connect with the image emotionally and can't offer much more than 'great image' but I like to do this to let the photographer know I've looked at their post. (Other times I'm in a rush and am just lazy).
I try not to be negative unless the poster has indicated they are after a critique, I try and remember my best today is better than my best yesterday and not as good as my best tomorrow. What I consider to be an average shot might be someone else's best work and vice versa.
There does seem to be a core community and a transient community here, I guess people will be people, and everyone is happy with a different commitment level. I know when I don't visit for a while I often don't have time to catch up on what I've missed, so I just look at the most recent posts.
I think we are all influenced by our peers even if it is at a sub conscious level, and viewing the images here is an important part of my 'learning photography process'.
07-10-2011, 07:06 AM
I would tend to agree with WD, I look at a lot of posts and sometimes I feel it is a really nice post but I lack the time or inclination to write a long comment and I prefer to avoid the "nice shot" as sometimes it may seem like you have not really looked at the image-even if you have. The other issue I have with commenting or not commenting is that sometimes i think why on earth would someone else be interested in my opinion, so what is better, view and enjoy but don't engage or view and respond with a glib 'Nice one!"
Anyway what do I know..........
I'm off out to shoot something it is a glorious day in our nations capital.-now where will I find a flag!
07-10-2011, 07:28 AM
Have to agree with many on here. I have done it many a time. I do not just like leaving a couple kind words, I like explain what draws my eye to that particular pic/set that someone has posted. Many times I do not have the time to post at the moment, just a quick look and gone, but try to go back when time allows and really look, and leave my thoughts.
Have to agree with not likin' the idea of some that post pics only, and no comments warranted for others???? This is a community, so please share your views on others shots, don't just come here looking for glorification please.
What really bugs me is people that post just to critique a shot. People post in here to share something, that in their eye, is something special to them. If they are not posted in critique section or are not asking, why tear it apart? I know this would deter many from wishing to post again, with the thought of, why bother. Friendly advice will help if you like, but go easy, especially on newer posters, so this community will keep growing and we can see so many different styles and techniques. They may not all be YOUR style, but they are someones.
Wicked Dark
07-10-2011, 08:00 AM
Another aspect which I failed to mention is the type of photo presented; as you've probably deduced by now, I'm a woodland photographer when I'm home so most of my images will be from there. Oh and the cemeteries. Can't forget those. Nature and things connected with it interest me, but street and portrait photography does not so you won't see comments on those threads from me. Probably because I didn't open them. It's not a slight or an insult, but with limited time I prefer to see images I have a desire to see. I'm sure folks don't open my threads because they're tired of headstones and ferns, that's only natural.
Matt K.
07-10-2011, 11:39 AM
.... I do not just like leaving a couple kind words, I like explain what draws my eye to that particular pic/set that someone has posted. .... This is a community, so please share your views on others shots, don't just come here looking for glorification please.
What sets this forum apart from other forums is the intent of the participants: it is one of wanting to learn, to better their style, their technique and their overall skill in taking their passion to the next level. Hillbillygirl has said it well, and I thank her for that. Yes, we do have the "critique" section in the forum, and yes, some will feel that others are stepping on their toes for saying something that may sound like a critique. I have seen shots on here from people that just blew me away, only to be followed up with a post where I say to myself "what was he/she thinking posting this crap???" I post on Flickr for two reasons: so I can link to this board, and top have an offsite backup of some of the images I really like. That does not mean I link every shot I have on Flickr to this board.
We have some exceptional photographers on this forum, and when I go back and look WHY new people join, it seems to me most of the time it is because of WHAT IS SAID here, and how people share their experience. You will not find this on other boards as much. This is a special community and I am proud to be a member here.
I don't comment on all images, not by a long shot; nobody has the time to do that, so much is for certain. But that was not the point of my initial post - it was to point out that some images were viewed a lot, but had no comments on them at all, though they do offer opportunity for comment. I suppose it was a little "nudge" to my fellow forum photographers to share their views, as Hillbillygirl put it.
07-10-2011, 12:01 PM
I also believe as well that there are many people who are not members (or who are but choose not to sign in) who come here to look at the photos on the forum, which "up" viewing count.
Not being members, or not choosing to sign in, they are unable to leave comments on photos.
If you look at the current active viewers window at the bottom, currently as I type, there are 42 people on the site of which only 5 are signed in as members. :)
Wicked Dark
07-10-2011, 01:18 PM
and most of those are 'bot scouring for email addresses and such.
Mad Aussie
07-11-2011, 12:06 AM
how many times can you say 'great capture' (my most loathed expression) and mean it?
Every single time actually. I don't say anything I don't mean.
07-11-2011, 05:41 AM
I could actually do with a little clarification on this topic. A couple of weeks ago I was politely reprimanded for critiquing a photo that wasn't in the critique forum :D I generally try and avoid leaving a simple 'great capture' comment. I try to always add some bit of constructive crit, no matter how small it may be. This is partly for the photographer, but also for me. Critiquing others' photos improves your own technique, or at least that's what all the experts tell me. If no critique is permitted in the 'Show your photos' sections, won't all the comments be of the 'great capture' variety?
On the 'why this forum' topic, speaking as a relative newcomer here, I would also add that I looked around at a few forums before dipping my toes in here. This one seemed friendly, and had a fine art slant. I was specifically looking for a smaller forum, the big ones are far too impersonal for my taste.
Mad Aussie
07-11-2011, 06:48 AM
In the simplest terms the Critiques forum is for comments of critique (comments that aid the author of the thread in improving their photography) which will hopefully be given in the vain of pointing out the good with the bad so to speak. This is the place to be critical and give an technical or simply visual advice you may have.
The Show your Photo forum is a place to show your photo without having someone critique it. Sometimes we simply don't want that. Many photos in the Show your photo forum are not displayed as works of art, and can be snapshots, sentimental, an illustration or educational set etc. If it's placed here, then the author isn't looking for critique.
Having said that, there's no reason you can't point the things you like about the photo. Those things don't have to be technically minded either. You might just mention that you know a place like that, or you love the smile the photographer captured. It's really not too difficult.
If a shot is a great shot, or great capture, and that's what you thought when you saw it then there's no reason why you can't tell the author that. I do. I really couldn't care less who doesn't like that. Sometimes, when I have more time on my hands I'll dig deeper and say more. Some photos are easy to comment on, some are not.
In the end, it's best to give positive feedback in the show your photo forum.
Wicked Dark
07-11-2011, 10:54 AM
Every single time actually. I don't say anything I don't mean.
That might be true for you, MA, but honestly when that's all I ever see, over and over again, I question its sincerity. It smacks of tokenism, and well, I try not to go there. Not saying you do, but the internet being what it is, stuff like that is open to infinite interpretation.
07-11-2011, 11:30 AM
I like the fact that we are having a 100% civil conversation about how to make this board better. If there is anything that people think that I can do to help, please just ask. PLENTY of times, I have made small changes at the request of just 1 person because I thought it made good sense and had no downside. IF there ever is anything that requires a change that's touchy for some people, I'm a big fan of democracy and I'll normally let the majority decide.
I try to comment on 5-10 threads most weekdays throughout the year. I too like to see more comments w/threads that have a bunch of views but many technically valid posts in this thread explain why that ratio will ALWAYS be much lower than actual comments. As forums get larger, so do the ratio of guests to members (lurkers who cannot comment but raise the views) and often it's 10:1 or as high as 40:1 add the bots into that ratio as well.
That said....I still see Matt's original point and I will try to comment more often.....but I do have an idea...
Although most images that get posted here by regular members (that have been around a bit or have been practicing their photography for a while) are strong images, this site is open to all and newbies with little experience are likely to join from time to time. Their images are far more likely to be weaker because they are less seasoned. We have a REALLY friendly forum and I'm glad to say that I've almost never had to discipline any member for rudeness. (Which I 100% would do if I saw a pattern of rudeness from any member). But because we are so naturally nice around here when weaker images do get posted, we don't necessarily want to hurt that person's feelings...and yet sometimes the image has very little going for we don't comment.
I wonder if an additional profile field might be a good idea?
The profile field is in the top right of every post and says stuff like:
My Photos
Please do NOT edit my photo
It would not be too difficult to add another field that has 2 choices
- Feel free to critique any image in any forum
- Please only critique my images in the critique forum
If that were the case, then we "could" add diplomatic comments about what needs to be improved which would increase comments.
I'm super-happy that this forum has had VERY little friction in terms of bickering because that type of stuff wrecks a forum. We are friendly here and most regulars TRULY seem to enjoy learning as well as teaching when they have something to teach. This may be all in my own head as admin, but MY personal feeling about our forum is that it's a teaching forum with a core group of passionate photographers that enjoy sharing and learning.
I'll keep following this thread to see what members are thinking but PLEASE feel 100% free to PM me if anything ever concerns you.
07-11-2011, 12:42 PM
I wonder if an additional profile field might be a good idea?
The profile field is in the top right of every post and says stuff like:
My Photos
Please do NOT edit my photo
It would not be too difficult to add another field that has 2 choices
- Feel free to critique any image in any forum
- Please only critique my images in the critique forum
If that were the case, then we "could" add diplomatic comments about what needs to be improved which would increase comments.
I like that idea! :thumbup:
Mad Aussie
07-11-2011, 05:02 PM
That might be true for you, MA, but honestly when that's all I ever see, over and over again, I question its sincerity. It smacks of tokenism, and well, I try not to go there. Not saying you do, but the internet being what it is, stuff like that is open to infinite interpretation.
Yeh I'm not saying I don't see your point, I do. Sometimes I think people just don't make an effort and fall back on a simple, well used phrase like 'great capture.'
Sometimes, like me, I'm here for about a minute or two maybe so making a short comment is better than none at all. Some people are also not as confident as others to comment on someones photo. People new to photography and the forum often fall into that category and just want to say they like the photo so 'great capture' says what they feel comfortable saying.
Matt K.
07-11-2011, 07:49 PM
I like that idea! :thumbup:
me too, such a simple solution. Those who feel they may grow in their art can opt for the "gimme your best shot and tell me how to improve", and the others can opt for the "I just want to show you what I did recently, or where I have been recently" category.
07-12-2011, 01:26 AM
This was actually something that had been on my mind. I'm as guilty as some, despite trying not to be, of "drive-by compliments". I wasn't sure sometimes how to interpret the ones I got. I'd gotten pressed for time and was trying to work out where I wanted to spend it. I was back in lurking mode, and not even lurking every day.
Still, I kept thinking about this board. The larger ones are quite a bit rougher at times. Boards of all topics can be a real free-for-all. This one is by far the most civil one I've seen.
And then this discussion clarifies for me why I keep circling back, and gives me some idea of how to view the brief comments I see. Leave it to you guys to suck me back in...:p
Mad Aussie
07-12-2011, 01:40 AM
This was actually something that had been on my mind. I'm as guilty as some, despite trying not to be, of "drive-by compliments". I wasn't sure sometimes how to interpret the ones I got. I'd gotten pressed for time and was trying to work out where I wanted to spend it. I was back in lurking mode, and not even lurking every day.
Still, I kept thinking about this board. The larger ones are quite a bit rougher at times. Boards of all topics can be a real free-for-all. This one is by far the most civil one I've seen.
And then this discussion clarifies for me why I keep circling back, and gives me some idea of how to view the brief comments I see. Leave it to you guys to suck me back in...:p
You belong here ... come towards the light Q1 ... walk towards the light ..............
07-12-2011, 04:34 AM
I wonder if an additional profile field might be a good idea?
The profile field is in the top right of every post and says stuff like:
My Photos
Please do NOT edit my photo
It would not be too difficult to add another field that has 2 choices
- Feel free to critique any image in any forum
- Please only critique my images in the critique forum
I for one would welcome something like this - it would help stop me from accidentally putting my foot in my mouth (again) :laughing:
07-12-2011, 01:51 PM
If a few more people think this is a good idea than I think it might be a good one to try out.
Originally Posted by Marko
I wonder if an additional profile field might be a good idea?
The profile field is in the top right of every post and says stuff like:
My Photos
Please do NOT edit my photo
It would not be too difficult to add another field that has 2 choices
- Feel free to critique any image in any forum
- Please only critique my images in the critique forum
Can't say that I disagree with most thoughts expressed here, I for one appreciate constructive feedback- I believe it helps me to improve. I would support the additional profile info options.
Matt K.
07-20-2011, 06:58 PM
Well, Marko, I suggest you go ahead and make the changes suggested.
07-24-2011, 11:53 PM
I like that idea Marko, which is why I put it in my signature when I signed up. I am always looking for advice in whatever I am working on. I have only been really seriously shooting for a relative short time compared to some folks so I am still trying to remember to put all the pieces of the puzzle together when I push the shutter, and I still forget some when I do. Such as the comment you made on the pic with my kids on the trail about their feet not showing, thanks to that I will now always double check where the feet are! Which is why I also mostly stay away from critiquing, I am still learning the finer points and it seems like every time I come back from shooting I learn something new and wish I had known it before hand. Leaves me with an excuse to go back though.
As far as the no comments, I see the same thing on some scale modeling forums as well so I am used to that. Even with those it gets to the point of not wanting to just say nice build all the time. I just like to think at least a few people's day got a little brighter seeing my photo even if they don't say anything.
07-25-2011, 11:03 AM
I just set this up today. It looks a bit messy and I'll clean it up shortly but it works and the choice will show up at the top right of every post. I just set this up for myself and you can see what I'm talking about by looking at the top right of this very post.
There are now 2 choices for critiques:
1 - Critique my photos anywhere in the forum
2 - Only critique photos posted in the critique forum
Any NEW member MUST make one of these choices at registration.
Any EXISTING member can state their preference by clicking SETTINGS (at the top right in the navbar) - then clicking Edit profile from the menu at left.
There you'll see
Critique my images in any forum:
and u can choose 1 of 2 options.
PLEASE know straight up that if you accept critiques in any forum, and change your mind in the future, Admin WILL NOT go back to your previous posts and remove the posted critiques...that's just way too much work....and critiques help FUTURE members learn.
Let me know if anyone encounters problems.
Thx! - marko
07-26-2011, 09:24 AM
Good job Marko!
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