View Full Version : Arrested decrepitude - Bodie, California

Wicked Dark
05-30-2011, 09:37 AM
On our initial drive from Reno to Bishop, we stopped at Bodie. Going in I knew it is the Disney World of ghost towns, but figured it was worth a look since we accidentally came so close to it. Bodie of course, started because someone found gold. A lot of it actually and the town really grew. Now it's a state park (well, for now anyway, California is closing pretty much all of them because of budget problems) and national landmark and is crawling with tourists (oh I love being in a herd).


Unfortunately due to the fact that you can't come here during dawn or dusk hours, high desert sun is all you get to work with. Tough conditions, but I made the best of them. At least I think so. And yeah, that's still snow on the hills in the bg.


Park rangers actually live on site and because of the amount of snow they get here, the park isn't open all that often. And I can only imagine the amount of maintenance it takes to keep everything preserved. You can't go in all the buildings (like the store or the hotel), but you can go in a few. Supposedly it's been left in the state in which it was abandoned by the residents, but I suspect some deliberate placement of artifacts here and there.


So far there are only a few shots published, but more will be going up probably today.

05-30-2011, 09:58 AM
Really interesting looking spot. Can't wait to see more!

05-30-2011, 10:03 AM
Nice comp here and lovely selective focus in shots 1 and 2.

Wicked Dark
05-30-2011, 10:26 AM
Thanks guys. The first one is actually a reflection taken in the hotel door. I had to wait for some peeps to clear out, but then I got it.

05-30-2011, 12:37 PM
Nice set! I like the sepia one especially! Surprisingly, because one does not think of Canada as a desert, there are areas in in southeastern Alberta that look very similar. Only difference is those decrepit buildings might still be inhabited here! Lol.

Wicked Dark
05-30-2011, 04:32 PM
thanks J.
Here's the California Set (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thewiresmith/sets/72157626833657230/) so far.