View Full Version : Can't decide...
04-13-2011, 01:46 AM
Hey all, this is my first post here on this forum and I would really like to know your thoughts on this photo, I used 2 different editing techniques and I'm not sure which one i like better, please let me know what you think.1191311914
Mad Aussie
04-13-2011, 06:48 AM
Interesting composition. Everything in me wants to see, and thinks we should see, the horses nose. But I really can't give any good photographic reason why. Maybe a crop that cuts more of the snout off would look better? Not sure ... may just be me!
On the processing, I like the 1st shot because the sepia tone seems to fit with the hills in the background better I think.
You'll find many people put off by a large signature over the photo too. I always try to see past them if I can but they can be distracting, and intended or not, can put people off commenting sometimes.
Anyhow, WELCOME to Heather ... hope you hang around :)
04-13-2011, 07:16 AM
I tend to agree with MA on the nose part. It's kind of like cropping at the elbow or half way through the hand. I'm not 100% sure why I don't like it but it just doesn't feel right.
That being said, I quite like number two as dark colour helps Mr. Horsey pop off the faded background (see everyone's different) ;) I just love the detail in his shaggy looking mane and the fact that he's staring straight into the lens. A very nice pose.
I also want to welcome you to the forum and hope you enjoy your stay with us, Heather.
Wicked Dark
04-13-2011, 08:23 AM
I think it's because it doesn't seem deliberate. A crop like that always makes me think the photographer goofed. If you're gonna crop, crop like you mean it. Seems to me the subject here is eyes and mane. go for it. Don't pussyfoot around. We don't need context for a shot like this.
As far as processing goes, I think the darker motif suits the real subject better. the hills, nice though they may be, are not what we're supposed to look at here - sorry M, don't mean to pick.
exposure wise I think you've got it and the horse has wonderful fur and a great gaze.
04-13-2011, 08:57 AM
Just used my scroll wheel to "crop it" just above your watermark and bam! That's it. At least for me it is :)
04-13-2011, 10:52 AM
First off welcome!
Overall, I like the shot. I really love the tones in both shots 1 and 2 and the eye sharpness is excellent. i also like unusual compositions and appreciate that type of play.
The issues i see - the nose crop. It's just not working for me but i think Iggy's suggested crop is a good idea.
Overexposure - both the bkdg and the white nose stripe are overexposed.The bkgd wouldn't bother me much at all if there was an edge to contain the scene but that white stripe without detail is a distraction for me.
Hope that helps - Marko
04-18-2011, 01:17 AM
It was a deliberate crop, I guess I just cropped it wrong.
I have no formal training whatsoever so I have learned it all on my own, I thought it was a great shot until the nose crop comments, I guess it is
good to have someone look at it with different eyes. I will post a re-do on the crop and edit, I took off a lot of the filters on this one and I think I got the crop right.
I don't want the nose in there, he is a big draft horse and he has a very long face, but a beautiful eye.
Thanks to everyone for their constructive comments.
I think it's because it doesn't seem deliberate. A crop like that always makes me think the photographer goofed. If you're gonna crop, crop like you mean it. Seems to me the subject here is eyes and mane. go for it. Don't pussyfoot around. We don't need context for a shot like this.
As far as processing goes, I think the darker motif suits the real subject better. the hills, nice though they may be, are not what we're supposed to look at here - sorry M, don't mean to pick.
exposure wise I think you've got it and the horse has wonderful fur and a great gaze.
04-18-2011, 01:34 AM
Here is the final edit, I think it is much better. A little softer and a little less filters.
Thank you all.
and thanks for the welcome's!11968
Wicked Dark
04-18-2011, 09:16 AM
I think that works better. Thanks for the re-post.
04-18-2011, 10:00 PM
Much nicer. Compare the two versions and I think what makes the difference is that the cut off point on the first one was after his nose started to narrow and so it looked a bit like just the tip of his nose was cut off. Cutting it at what looks like the halfway point makes it look more natural. Anyway... sorry for rambling... :)
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