View Full Version : Post-mortem photography

10-28-2008, 02:21 PM
Just in time for Halloween, this was a popular type of photography late 19th century and to early 20th century. Stumbled across a story that led me to this type of photography. Here is an extensive library of post-mortem photography.

Post-mortem Photography (http://www.paulfrecker.com/collections.cfm?&pagetype=library&typeID=1&ShowStart=1&ShowEnd=8&myPage=1)

Then here is a wikipedia page on it.


10-28-2008, 03:09 PM

i saw something like these a while ago and completely forgot about it...

thank you?.... i think...

one thing for sure.... if i was a post-mortem photographer I'd be demanding my sitting fee upfront..

10-28-2008, 07:19 PM
Was this done to prove that the ppl were did? I was alright with this till I scrolled down and seen the children.
I stumbled upon a website not too long ago of postmortem photos of still borns or babies that died shortly after birth. It was disturbing.

10-28-2008, 08:33 PM
Well it was popular back then, I find it no more morbid than the ways people currently conduct death passage. To learn about photography and its history I think all these types of photography are relevant. I found the children photographed no worse than the adults, it was done at the time for love of their family. It is just perspective, these are old photographs and gives us more history of photography.

10-28-2008, 09:55 PM
I don't dispute that at all. I just didn't realize that it was done back then and shocked that it is done now with babies.
my mother lives in the house that she was born and raised in. The house is almost 200 years old and the attic was never cleaned out. I went through it one day and found a bunch of oil paintings by someone she has no clue who done it. I know that a lot of people were laid out in that house. I should go back up into her attic to see if there are any photos of the ones laid out.