04-07-2011, 02:15 AM
Need inspiration? Search no more:laughing: Just some astounding work here!
LINK (http://www.flickr.com/groups/richardsgroup/)
I could go for hours!
Also you might want to check out this guys stream for a really interesting trip. I'm not a fan of Over saturated, under exposed HDR work and this guy has some pages which lend toward that PP method but throughout his work are true gems of highly imaginative art IMHO
I also found I really enjoyed his artistic vision and his ability to project that to me and draw me in when I found a personal connection to the image.
LINK (http://www.flickr.com/photos/lombartbcn/)
LINK (http://www.flickr.com/groups/richardsgroup/)
I could go for hours!
Also you might want to check out this guys stream for a really interesting trip. I'm not a fan of Over saturated, under exposed HDR work and this guy has some pages which lend toward that PP method but throughout his work are true gems of highly imaginative art IMHO
I also found I really enjoyed his artistic vision and his ability to project that to me and draw me in when I found a personal connection to the image.
LINK (http://www.flickr.com/photos/lombartbcn/)