View Full Version : Crying Over Spilled Ink

03-15-2011, 03:34 AM
spilled ink in art class

Mad Aussie
03-16-2011, 01:38 AM
The 2nd shot is a bit of fun play ... not really a good photo but always fun to experiment.

The 1st shot is interesting though. I like the shadow/reflections in the ink. I think I'd have made sure that I focused on, and got the tip of the pen dead sharp though as it's inclusion suggests that it's an important piece to this story. I would have also rolled the pen so the quill was showing us its shape more.
I think the shot needs a bit of correction using levels or curves as well ... looks a little flat.

03-16-2011, 01:23 PM
Interesting shots here.

The composition of shot 1 is nice. I like this. I agree with MA that the quill should be brought into focus.

Shot 2 interests me as I've not really experimented that much with light trails. How did you do this?


03-18-2011, 07:30 PM
Hello thanks I too thought that the quill should be sharper and rolled and with the light painting effect it's very simple just turn your shutter speed to where it starts to say a number then " where your at seconds turn it to 30" so u have a while to use the light

03-18-2011, 07:32 PM
Hello, haha thanks for the comment I actually didn't mean to add the second one I selected the photo from my lightroom exports and didnt notice till now, sorry for the short reply I'm at a MacroMaker on my iPod