03-14-2011, 11:40 PM
Decided to try and work on my portrait techinque after work this evening, as I haven't had much opportunity as of late to practice.
This set up used a Nikon 60mm marco lens, two Sigma 530 Super DG speedlights with Micro Apollo softboxes. Main was set at 1/16th power and the bottom one was set to 1/64th and fired with two Cactus V4 wireless triggers
Decided to try and work on my portrait techinque after work this evening, as I haven't had much opportunity as of late to practice.
This set up used a Nikon 60mm marco lens, two Sigma 530 Super DG speedlights with Micro Apollo softboxes. Main was set at 1/16th power and the bottom one was set to 1/64th and fired with two Cactus V4 wireless triggers