View Full Version : Mask - A re-edit

03-08-2011, 07:54 PM
Happy Mardi Gras everyone!

A re-edit of a shot taken for the assignment from last month. Does it work?


03-09-2011, 12:24 AM
Looks good with the touch of red. With the mask being such a dominant item did you happen to do a similar rendition with only the feathers in subdued hues? Depending on the colours, that might be interesting as well. Nice staging of the contents overall.

03-09-2011, 10:39 AM
I like the idea here, but for me this is not working. I see no logical connection between the mask and the fruit. The mask is what the shot is about (for me) so i see the fruit itself as a distraction and the fact that it's coloured, increases the distraction for me. The coloured wooden cat tongue is also a distraction for me. My eye wants to see more props related to the mask.

I do very much like the NON COLOURED monochrome part of the shot as well as the overall comp....

This is just my opinion though........


03-09-2011, 12:49 PM
Thanks, Marko. Another variation:
