View Full Version : Something just doesn't smell quite right!
03-06-2011, 01:31 PM
I'm sure most of you think I'm nuts already so I've nothing to lose here. Last night during my connect the dots search I had a moment where some things became clear. What if the crisis in the Middle East had been carefully engineered ? The price of oil could be driven up to $200.00 a barrel. Once this price is achieved, the US Dollar can be collapsed. As the worlds reserve currency, anyone holding the greenback would go down the toilet...All the ME tinpot dictators would be ruined and the rest of the world would be in chaos. Social unrest would reach a boiling point and the lid would blow off the proverbial pot! People will be very ready for a solution which the powers that be would usher in as "One World Government!" and a new world currency would then be installed. Far fetched?...Maybe. However, one look at the players in the G20 meetings suggests to me that the idea may not be far of course. Twenty of the world's largest developed nations attend this meeting sending their top central bankers and finance ministers. Then they are addressed by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and UN and the like. In my book, the WB, IMF, UN are all carefully arranged precursors of the "One World Government" machine. The US has been sitting on vast untapped oil reserves and once the chaos hits and the price of oil has reached the new high they could turn on the taps and command a lion's share of the new currency. If you look at China's recent behavior with the Yuan you sort of get the notion that they are getting ready for this scenario. Of course I need to do way more research to solidify this idea and over the next few days I'll be doing just that! All of the above at this stage is pure speculation arising from trying to connect the dots. The ME crisis to me looks fishy to say the least and I for one think something is up!
03-06-2011, 07:39 PM
With all the "masons" in the Europe, and they can barely keep the Euros as currency, because Italy, Spain, Germany and few other countries wanna go back to their currency. So, even in that "evil" society where they try to rule the world is not perfect, and not everything goes perfect.
03-06-2011, 09:37 PM
The US needs to do something before Europe is successful in their attempts to convert their oil purchases to the Euro. There are billions of US dollars floating around that would be cashed in that the US can't cover. Can a country declare bankrupcy? Without the leverage of the US dollars that China holds the hammer they presently wave would come crashing down. Too scary to even think of the consequenses.
03-06-2011, 11:35 PM
The US needs to do something before Europe is successful in their attempts to convert their oil purchases to the Euro. There are billions of US dollars floating around that would be cashed in that the US can't cover. Can a country declare bankrupcy? Without the leverage of the US dollars that China holds the hammer they presently wave would come crashing down. Too scary to even think of the consequenses.
Call in Charlie Sheen......
03-06-2011, 11:38 PM
Here's a scary thought...during the first interview I thought Charlie was crazy. I've seen a couple since and he seems to be getting better. Is he coming back to earth?
PS The IMF is no better than the UN. Fine if you're a relative of some third world country looking for free money to pad your family bank account but little other use.
03-07-2011, 02:52 PM
I'm still digging around on this one and it's a VERY complex issue. So far, from what I can tell, we are in for a very bad ride in the next while but I've many more facts to check One thing seems certain however, Oil prices will NOT be going down...Indeed they will continue to climb until they hit $150 or $200.00 a barrel and if this isn't being engineered, I'll eat my hat! Somebody please remind me why I should have any respect for Henry Kissenger:yuck:
03-07-2011, 02:54 PM
PS The IMF is no better than the UN. Fine if you're a relative of some third world country looking for free money to pad your family bank account but little other use.
Pad your bank indeed but first sign over your rescources!
03-07-2011, 03:38 PM
Here's what I've discovered so far. First you have to understand that the US has vast oil reserves on its own soil and it's estimated enough to go to 2043. Alaska and apparently someplace under the Rock Mountains among other sources. Now, in 1977 Henry K went over and convinced the OPEC nations that the US would no longer produce its own oil, instead it would buy from the ME. The condition was that from the vast profits the ME would make from oil export to the US, it must take a portion of the earnings and buy up American Debt in the form of T-Bills. Iran and Iraq were not on board with this idea. Spin the time line wheel to today and the western oil barons are engineering chaos in the ME sparked by food shortages and price coupled with the funding of the Muslim brotherhood to upset the apple cart. As the unrest spreads it will severely impair the ability of the ME to produce oil thus driving the price up to $200.00 a barrel. At this point the dollar will be disposed of and the ME will be sitting on a vast collection of useless treasury notes and they will understand they have been double crossed and needless to say they'll be pissed! China it seems will ride clear of this wreck because they have gone with Russia as their oil supplier but this will be bad news to Europe as Russia will not be supplying as much if any oil to them. I think the Banksters have had their day with the US seeing instead the emerging economy of China as the new frontier. With the ME pretty much being sent back to riding camels and the world economy in chaos due to the collapse of the Dollar and most likely the Euro, the Banksters will usher in a new world currency and America will maybe come back online in some new form with a huge reserve of oil. This is what I've come up with so far but I still have a bunch of puzzle pieces to put into it.
Two puzzle pieces that don't fit so far...Some sources claim the Oil companies are not behind the uprising stating it's a domino effect created by Wikileaks. It seems that Obama and his ilk are discussing whether or not they should tap into US reserves to help ease the crisis though it's unclear if these reserves are in storage or yet to be pulled from the field? Update...Seems the reserves are already tanked seven hundred million barrels or enough to last US consumers around 38 days.
03-07-2011, 07:59 PM
If drilling in the US is permitted, oil prices will come down within a few months. Of course, Soros will make out like the bandit he is.
03-10-2011, 02:51 AM
Well the more I dig the more I become aware of the sad truth...It's way to complex an issue for me to get my head around. The idea is sound and I can find a million threads on as many sites to back it up but I can find as many reasons why the idea is just silly. Today I tecked a local credit union who very much impressed me with how they are looking beyond world turmoil and instead they are helping develop communities and small business locally, trying in earnest to rebuild and foster a new healthy business community that is turning away from global economics where they can and putting emphasis on what the community can do to thrive thus building itself into a healthy model of success.One example was a shelter for women that disparately needed a new facility. The credit union creatively found a solution where they made a nominal profit and the shelter could afford their new digs. It was an internal meting and I was really impressed by the way they implied "Yes the world is going down the toilet but what can we do to help ensure that when it's flushed we'll have a model in place that's capable of surviving by lessening the dependence on global finance by affording financial strength to the region as a priority. The keynote speaker was form Bellingham USA, she gave countless stories of this model coming alive big time in her country. I spoke with the Chef in the hotel briefly during a break and was amazed to hear that the policy of his kitchen ordered as much as they could from within a hundred mile radius of the hotel and utilized as much organic product as they could find. So I thought... Hell! Here's a group of financial gurus focusing on a positive set of values that deserves more of my attention. It was an awesome day for me as it gave me pause to see that financial types knew the system was buggered and doomed to failure but maybe there was a way to learn from history and attack the problem from the inside by reclaiming some community spirit, by putting people back in the equation. They saw the doomsday scenario alright but decided it was way bigger than them so it became a question of how to take a bad situation and help the community and the credit union be in the best position to survive it using a touch of financial dignity and a focus on healthy local development. It was a refreshing day. Day two tomorrow:laughing:
03-10-2011, 08:31 AM
This may be an oversimplification but I think that regardless of the topic you can find whatever you are looking for in the world. ie. If you are looking for evidence that the world is going to hell in a handbasket then you will find it. If you are looking for evidence that the world is a safe and wonderful place then you'll find that too. It's a lot like porn - you can find whatever fetish you want... all you have to do is search! :evil2:
If you have a happy outlook and look for the good in people, that's what you'll find. It's kittens everywhere! :thumbup::thumbup:
03-10-2011, 10:08 AM
Interesting outlook Iggy suggesting two possibilities (a) We see through filters or (b) reality is an illusion created on the fly using a Schrodinger's cat/ quantum mechanics approach. Kittens everywhere is a very frightening idea:laughing:
03-10-2011, 01:46 PM
Interesting outlook Iggy suggesting two possibilities (a) We see through filters or (b) reality is an illusion created on the fly using a Schrodinger's cat/ quantum mechanics approach. Kittens everywhere is a very frightening idea:laughing:
I think it's closer to (b) but I wouldn't rule out (a) at all! And, I like kittens! :)
03-10-2011, 08:22 PM
Interesting outlook Iggy suggesting two possibilities (a) We see through filters or (b) reality is an illusion created on the fly using a Schrodinger's cat/ quantum mechanics approach. Kittens everywhere is a very frightening idea:laughing:
awww how could that be?
03-10-2011, 11:57 PM
If kittens were running the planet we'd be in way better shape :thumbup: They are definitely mischievous but you can't fault them for their honesty!
PS... I'm totally in love with the kitten on the far left Bambi :laughing:
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