View Full Version : Children are easier when they're made of Granite

02-03-2011, 10:14 AM
I find children are easier to be around when they are well-behaved and sit still, whether or not holding a fish...hmm...

My own comments are here (http://www.photorookie.com/photo-analysis/80-photo-anlysis-), but what do you think?


02-03-2011, 11:58 AM
but when you turn your back you get hit with the fish!!! :):laughing:

it's a cute shot, but there's nothing really grabbing me here. I have nothing to pick on just that the subject is a bit weak.

02-03-2011, 01:20 PM
Personally I would of cropped a bit off the left side so that there is no visible branches, so to half the shoulder to match the other side of the frame. Not to sure if that can be done with this photo, one may need to just shift a bit as shooting (not to sure).

Neat structure. Wish my kids could sit that still :)

Mad Aussie
02-03-2011, 07:03 PM
I agree with Kat's crop comment. The crop is a bit too close to the arm for my liking and cutting it off similar to the other 'kid' would be stronger in my opinion.

I'll also add that it looks a bit soft. With the grainy texture of the stone, sharpness would have really helped to lift this shot I think.

Some more contrast would have also helped.

I do like the POV you chose though and think it's a worthy subject.
I'd have seriously considered B&W for this one also.