View Full Version : Sunset at Heights Church, Saddlworth (8 Jan 2011)

01-08-2011, 06:46 PM
Here's a photo taken this afternoon of a sunset at Heights Church above the village of Delph in Saddleworth, England. Your thoughts would be much appreciated.

Mad Aussie
01-09-2011, 12:42 AM
Nice. Including the church as foreground interest was a good move. However, I think it needs to have a bit more space above the steeple. Possibly even more of the church in silhouette.

01-09-2011, 07:34 AM
Hmmm... there's something missing for me. There doesn't seem to be quite enough sun for a sunset shot and not quite enough of anything else to make it an "anything else" shot. To me there is no real subject. The sky is beautiful and you've captured the colours well and I can certainly see why you had to shoot the scene. Maybe if you'd been closer to that tree and it dominated the image more or as MA suggests, the church was more prominent.

01-09-2011, 08:03 AM
Thanks guys for your tips. This was the first time I'd really been able to practice with my Sony A33.

@ Mad Aussie - I take your point about giving more prominence to the church and more sky above it. I can see where you're coming from with this. If a picture like this was to be framed up it wouldn't look right. I'm not sure how much space was behind me as I took the shot but there were plenty of gravestones and I didn't want to bring any of these into the foreground. I'm sure a wide-angle lens would bring more into the picture for me but I didn't have that at my disposal that day.

@ Iguanasan - thanks for your critique. I respect your thoughts. I'll keep in mind your suggestions re: subject

Anyway I'm still learning and it was great to get out with the camera for the afternoon.


01-09-2011, 01:32 PM
First off...Nice shot in what looks like a lovely locale. The colour is beautiful. I also like the inclusion of the crescent moon. I like taking moon shots myself(maybe some day I'll get a good one!)
As MA said a little more church would be nice and as Iguanasan noted more of the actual sunset which appears to be quite nice just off to the right side. I think overall, all I would have done is just backed up a few steps to widen the field of view on those subjects although you would lose some of the perspective on the church.

01-09-2011, 09:02 PM

@ Iguanasan - thanks for your critique. I respect your thoughts. I'll keep in mind your suggestions re: subject

Anyway I'm still learning and it was great to get out with the camera for the afternoon.


It's ALWAYS great to get out with the camera for the afternoon :) Cheers!