View Full Version : Spammers Beware
01-07-2011, 06:42 PM
At a time when I noticed that many vBulletin Boards are being targeted by spammers (my bird boards which are fairly esoteric have had a rash of spammers and this one seems affected worse then usual the last few days) This was in the IT new letter:
Spammers face $10 million fine under Canada's new law (
01-08-2011, 12:59 PM
yeah spammers are everywhere these days...
Thanks for posting the link but honestly......That fine is useless...and will likely COST Canadian taxpayers money and solve ZERO.
The real spam problem is not in's in counties we have no control over..... We gotta lay this on the US and Canadian ISP companies. They can filter out this BS fairly easily.
THAT's our only shot at solving this.
01-08-2011, 06:03 PM
yeah spammers are everywhere these days...
Thanks for posting the link but honestly......That fine is useless...and will likely COST Canadian taxpayers money and solve ZERO.
The real spam problem is not in's in counties we have no control over..... We gotta lay this on the US and Canadian ISP companies. They can filter out this BS fairly easily.
THAT's our only shot at solving this.
maybe they should talk to the ones who sell e-books. they are pretty good at controlling who buys what from which country.....
01-09-2011, 12:17 AM
I don't know how the little Nigerian spamming from his mud hut is gonna pay a ten million dollar fine (hows that for stereotyping:laughing:) The fines seem a tad unrealistic to me. How about a fifty dollar fine and we give your coordinates to the people who lob cruise missiles...
01-09-2011, 10:00 AM
how about CHARGING everyone on the planet 1 penny to send an email....that too will kill spammers.
01-09-2011, 11:36 AM
how about CHARGING everyone on the planet 1 penny to send an email....that too will kill spammers.
01-09-2011, 11:46 AM
REALLY? how come? I would vote for this in a second IF it could indeed kill the 600 spam messages I get daily. (No BS btw)
I realize the net "should be free" and all that.....but the FREE part is actually doing LOTS of harm....and wasting people's time each and every day. (Over 90%-95% of ALL email sent on is SPAM).....why? because it's friggen free. The % age of unscrupulous people on this planet is staggering even though most individuals we know are good.
Every 6 seconds a new baby spammer hatches from its egg, licks off its own mucous and starts spamming.
01-09-2011, 12:15 PM
because I often see what happens with token charges. they end up growing and growing. I am not convinced it will shut down spammers. they may just get smarter and find a way to avoid paying.
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