View Full Version : What happened to my Christmas spirit?
12-20-2010, 11:41 PM
I don’t have any sense of the Christmas spirit this year….None! I usually have my little two foot tree up by now but it sits it the closet in a box. Right now I just feel sick and tired of living in the world we have created and continue to create. Government asshats, bankers and fraud artists in general bring us to our knees on a daily basis. When the cold war ended in the 80’s I remember thinking how great it was going to be from then on but I soon realized the war hadn’t ended, the players had changed and as if that wasn’t enough we invented (and I mean invented) the war on terror. There was only ever one problem with the American dream…It was one sided and never included the rest of the planet! Imagine if the mentality had been “The global dream!” The American economy crashed in 2008 and is now on life support, propped up with thin sticks but the weight the sticks support grows daily. Trillions more sticks will be needed to be fashioned by the US taxpayer and in the end, because they consume more than they produce. With their manufacturing base outsourced along with many of their jobs it doesn’t take a slick mind to see the good old “American dream” was sold to the highest bidder. A friend of mine called tonight and told me our great leader here in Canada has just decided to privatize the Canada pension plan (though I admit I haven’t had the time or the inclination to research the truth” according to my friend, American insurance companies are lined up to look after the whole affair. The fraudulent gutter swine of humanity, the very same people who stole the wealth of a nation to a tune that many future generations will be paying for a long time to come, will now be looking after our prized CPP? I’m praying my buddy misunderstood what he heard or read. You guys know me by now, an average guy who sometimes gets a half assed image and the rest of the time I spend stirring the pot in the “Off topic” thread☺ Lately I’ve been digging around in the “Climate change” (formerly known as Global warming) arena. Preceding every Ice Age there is a period of global warming. The data I’ve been pouring over in the last few evenings has me wondering….The truth is in the ice core samples folks. I encourage you to do some research. The graphs plotted from the samples put us at the top of a well recorded graph and if the graph is correct…Button up! I mentioned this fact to a fellow at work a few days ago and he told me I was full of it. Had he done any research? No time…He was watching “The Game” Another interesting thing I read the other day was that all the riots in Europe were happening where fluoride as an additive in drinking water was banned. This led me to do a little digging on good old fluoride and apparently it was first used on prison inmates to keep them subdued. Who knows? I drink next to no tap water and I’m freaking Irate!
I digress however…I’m just not much in a Christmas mood just now and even as an Athiest, I’ve always managed to get along fine with the whole concept in the past.
12-21-2010, 01:07 AM
I'm not feeling it either MAW. No reason...just not into it.
I'm going to Banff by myself for the holidays do some hiking,photography and just hide out in a hotel room for 2 days until it is over. I've had lots of offers and invites for the 25 but I just want to spend the day on my own quietly doing my own thing. I'm looking forward to it and debating about whether or not to spend an extra day or two there.. :)
12-21-2010, 08:21 AM
Well....hmmmm....haw.....hmmmm...nope. I have no idea how to respond to this other than to say I hope you both enjoy whatever it is you are going to do this week. You don't have to go broke on presents or overdose on religious ceremony, it's just the common practice at this time of year. Casil, it sounds like you're going to have a great time. I'm almost jealous.
If that's part of what the fluoride is doing then thank heaven as I am cranky enough about all this stuff. The name change to "climate change" was necessary if we are going to make some of these idiots start paying attention. They're all like "global warming is stupid, it's December and it's really cold outside." But when it's 0C in Florida and +12 in Halifax then maybe "climate change" makes more sense? I really don't think they're going to wake up until a significant amount of ice breaks of Antarctica or the Arctic and central Florida becomes beach-front property.
12-21-2010, 08:41 AM
okay, I have the flu and am feeling a bit cranky right now so bear with me when I saw Michael smarten up. If you wait for the world to be okay before you are allowed to feel happy, festive or over-the-freaking-moon then you are ALWAYS going to be disappointed. The world is what it is. Parts are good, parts are bad, parts are unbelievably horrific and other parts are heartbreakingly beautiful. Suck it up, hug your innner moppet- do whatever you have to do but deal. If there is one thing I've learned is that no one holds the key to my happiness- that it up to me. Once I realized that life got way better. And, no I'm not a pollyanna. I have spent time in mind-numbing depression and flirted with suicide on more then one occasion. but I figured it out- for me. And you know what- I'm pretty freaking happy with my life now because it's the way I made it. I still get times of feeling down. I treat it like the flu and move on (as opposed to the hallucingenic thing I have right now- it's a pretty freaky trip).
Casil- I think what you are doing sounds perfect. for you. I cannot wait to see the photos you take on this trip. Sometimes this time of year can become awful because of the expectations that we have of it. My mother goes a little nutty around christmas time because it never lives up to her expectations. Oh well. I just keep her wine glass full and we all do fine :)
All that said C- you are more then welcome to come here for dinner:grouphug: and I have a goodly supply of wine and Baileys..... lol
there. lecture over. :)
12-21-2010, 10:54 AM
Well said B! Thanks for the offer too! :grouphug:
For me, it's been such a hectic year with school and work, that I just need some "me" time I guess which is the best present I can give myself.
Next year :fingerscr I will be in a new house with a new dog and a new job so hopefully I will feel more "in the season".
But for right now, hopefully the weather will cooperate somewhat and I;ll come back a few decent shots.
12-21-2010, 01:31 PM
12-21-2010, 02:36 PM
okay Michael you asked for it......
Thought I was but down with the cold now. Just hope the rest of the family don't get it. I think the "green" is going to be hard for me..
12-21-2010, 04:20 PM
If that's part of what the fluoride is doing then thank heaven as I am cranky enough about all this stuff. The name change to "climate change" was necessary if we are going to make some of these idiots start paying attention. They're all like "global warming is stupid, it's December and it's really cold outside." But when it's 0C in Florida and +12 in Halifax then maybe "climate change" makes more sense? I really don't think they're going to wake up until a significant amount of ice breaks of Antarctica or the Arctic and central Florida becomes beach-front property.
I find my views on climate change are summed up by this quote made by Emeritus Professor of Biogeography at the University of London, Philip Stott on the issue in a newspaper article in 2005.
“Climate change has to be broken down into three questions: 'Is climate changing and in what direction?' 'Are humans influencing climate change, and to what degree?' And: 'Are humans able to manage climate change predictably by adjusting one or two factors out of the thousands involved?' The most fundamental question is: 'Can humans manipulate climate predictably?' Or, more scientifically: 'Will cutting carbon dioxide emissions at the margin produce a linear, predictable change in climate?' The answer is 'No'. In so complex a coupled, non-linear, chaotic system as climate, not doing something at the margins is as unpredictable as doing something. This is the cautious science; the rest is dogma.”
The IPCC seems to me to be heavily biased on one area of this debate, that being how co2 emissions are affecting our climate. Like a dog in a field full of bones, they are chewing on only one. Computer modeling IMHO with regards to climate change will only give meaningful results if the database on which it depends is not only fully understood but is all encompassing in it’s ability to include the variables that are at work seemingly outside that data set. The science of “Climate change” is very new and our collective understanding of it is, at least to my way of thinking, still very much in its infancy. In short…The IPCC has a very myopic view with regards to the causes of the so called change, Many of the conclusions drawn by this team are based on non peer reviewed data provided by agenda driven, supported, observations. For example, the conclusion that Antarctica is shrinking with vast chunks of ice falling into the sea is unfounded in its scope. Further study shows that overall, the ice is growing and the apparent shrinkage is related to a very small area of the western peninsula. One of the main problems in my view is how we (The general public) arrive (without digging into the back story) upon our collective conclusions is based on what our media delivers and sadly, true journalism died around the era of Woodward and “Watergate” The receding ice cap on the Himalayas studies suggest is not a product of climate change but related to deforestation and diversion of water supplies for agriculture. Data gathered by science has been shown and even acknowledged by the IPCC as containing flaws just by improper placing of the info gathering apparatus. In this breakdown one can clearly see that satellite monitoring concludes no significant raise in temps worldwide but rather a cooling of late. To be certain of anything in this debate is pure folly in my view, as the data set is at best incomplete not to mention not fully understood by virtue of the infancy of the science itself. One glaring omission in my view of this whole charade is the sun and its well documented cyclic behavior. I’m not saying for a second that reducing our co2 emissions is a wrong approach, anything we do to reduce our carbon footprint is a splendid idea for future generations that will undoubtedly have to live with our mistakes and hopefully, in this case, wisdom and foresight. I’m just not convinced so far that we have as much control as we’d like to suggest over what the surface temperature of this world will be fifty or a hundred years down the road. At this juncture I see it as speculative at best. Not that long ago, science had all the reasons why the earth was flat and the sun revolved around the earth…..
Edit to add...Just found this interview online, the interesting part here is that the chief of the UK MET Office says something to the effect that long range forcasting is a very new area
Below the clip is the option to see more related clips and there are some very interesting interviews within with a lot of IPCC stuff.
PS...One of the interviews focusing on an IPCC report claims that only a very few errors were contained within the 6,000 page report...The significance of those errors that they calmly brush aside seem to me to be equivalent to a hypothetical Airbus crash at Heathrow airport on a flight originating in New York..."The flight was perfect in every respect without a glitch and would have been complete in its perfection had the landing gear been deployed when the jet hit the runway"
12-21-2010, 04:59 PM
So let me get this mathematical formula right...... - =
Or if we were to look at the formula another way it might look like this: + =
12-21-2010, 05:35 PM
If the second formula were applied 24/7/365 I'd be inclined to give more room in my overall daily attitude but that an esoteric group of number crunchers are eagerly awaiting the story of economic health by plotting how much we purchase this season gives me concern as to the validity of the whole affair. Don't get me wrong, I'm usually the first to play the Grinch, Christmas Carrol, It's a wonderful life, Charlie Browns Christmas and be a funnel for eggnog and rum but this year it just didn't happen? I agree with your sentiment Casil and the second formula should be in play as has been the case umpteen Christmases before this for me. I'll still support some aspects of the season (rum and eggnog especially) but otherwise I'm going to sit out this festive season and just glare down at "Whoseville" Who knows, I may even strap a reindeer horn on Maxi's head :laughing:
12-21-2010, 06:29 PM
Casil you are awesome!!!
12-21-2010, 06:44 PM
Casil you are awesome!!!
:laughing: I try.....
12-21-2010, 07:02 PM
For me however, the mathematical formula is represented this way:
( + =
I'm just sayin'......
12-21-2010, 07:42 PM
Alright Dammit...... It's UP!
Ho Ho Ho and a bottle of rum:laughing::laughing::laughing:
I will be visited by three spirits this evening....Rum, vodka and tequila!
Merry Ho Ho and all like that:thumbup:
Praise God....I'm indoctrinated!!!!
PS...I've even got "Jinglebell Rock" playing loud :laughing::laugh:
12-21-2010, 08:02 PM
Of course, the fuzzy Nihilist has only one ambition...The tree will be down before dinner! one b.jpg
12-21-2010, 08:22 PM
So let me get this mathematical formula right...... - =
Or if we were to look at the formula another way it might look like this: + =
Hahahahaha!!!! I love it!
12-21-2010, 08:23 PM
...snip... I may even strap a reindeer horn on Maxi's head :laughing:
I'd love to see that!
12-21-2010, 08:30 PM
It's in the works Iggy:)
12-21-2010, 08:35 PM
I knew you could do it MAW....
So now your mathematical formula would be similar to something along these lines:
12-21-2010, 08:39 PM
LOL...Christmas emoticons at their finest :laughing::laughing::laugh:
12-21-2010, 08:49 PM
LOL...Christmas emoticons at their finest :laughing::laughing::laugh:
Hard to believe I suck at Math eh??
12-21-2010, 08:57 PM
Maybe so but your analogical emoticon formulas are running strong! :thumbup:
12-21-2010, 09:15 PM
It's fun to put my powers to good sometimes!! :)
12-21-2010, 09:23 PM
I have to try your methods if I can find the right emoticons (tin foil hat)+(emoticon that looks like me)=:clown:
12-22-2010, 12:43 AM +
LOL...pretty good huh???
12-22-2010, 08:50 AM
you know these would make GREAT t-shirts
12-22-2010, 11:48 AM +
LOL...pretty good huh???
This humbug thread sure has me laughing!
12-22-2010, 01:45 PM
I think it's wonderful that this group takes a negative and turns it into a positive. Or is that a + ?? ;)
12-22-2010, 02:10 PM
Tis the season Iggy....'tis the season.
12-22-2010, 08:58 PM
To continue on with my Smilie math...Bambi's Christmas Spirit as represented by my Scientific "Emoticonual" formula probably resembles something close to this:
12-22-2010, 08:58 PM
Have to admit that this this thread has made he laugh. That's in spite of the fact that to me this Christmas is going to be a real bummer. The only family I have left is my sister and her kids and grandchildren which I will be spending Christmas day with (I think). however that is going to screwed up somewhat. About six weeks ago my brother-in-law fell off a ladder and broke his hip, had to have 8 hours of surgery and is still in the hospital going through rehab. He won't be getting out for Christmas. My grilfriend had surgery for ovarian cysts a couple of months ago, after a six month wait (that's our health care system). She is still in pain and unable to work. One of our best friends has had an terrible year. He had to have surgery for bowel cancer. That's after he had to have minor heart surgery to fix a blockage. He was finally recovered and feeling much better when he he had to go back in the hospital a couple of weeks ago for very high blood pressure. While in there his kidneys (a problem he has has for a long time) had problems. He is now on dialysis. He is now out of the hospital, but has to go back every two to three days for dialysis treatments. And now a couple of days ago I managed to pull a muscle on my lower back. It's painful for me to walk, so I've been spending most of my time in bed.
And to top it off my car has been in the repair shop most oif the last two weeks. After several mechanical repairs I now have a $2800 bill to pay off. I keep thinking of the camera or lenses I could buy for that money. Oh well, I guess I will have to live with my Rebel for quite a bit longer.
All I can say is good riddance 2010. Next year 2011 can't be nearly this bad.
12-22-2010, 09:05 PM
That's a string of bad luck alright... Here's hoping it swings around for you and the others in the new year :thumbup::fingerscr
12-22-2010, 09:11 PM
Iggy's Xmas spirit formula probably is representative of this:<
12-22-2010, 09:14 PM
That's a string of bad luck alright... Here's hoping it swings around for you and the others in the new year :thumbup::fingerscr
Ditto what MAW said. :)
12-22-2010, 10:19 PM
To continue on with my Smilie math...Bambi's Christmas Spirit as represented by my Scientific "Emoticonual" formula probably resembles something close to this:
good one Casil but you forget to factor in ( as the 'X' factor.
not to mention:
on the other hand both kids are home. :)
12-22-2010, 10:50 PM bad...did I tell you I suck at math?? I guess this one of those cases where hijacking a post is a good thing!!!!
12-23-2010, 10:35 AM
Casil, you're a card! Love your take on Holiday math! :laughing:
12-23-2010, 11:20 AM
Thanks Ig...doing these has kind of lifted my Xmas Spirit a bit.
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