View Full Version : Abstract - of sorts
Matt K.
11-27-2010, 08:34 PM
Went to the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary today. They have put up some metal birds as art, I suppose. So I took an image of these birds, straight into the sun. Not a good idea. I took the image using spot metering, hoping it would prevent it from blowing out .... fat chance. Anyway, here it is, after I played with it in Adobe Bridge. There are four versions ... not sure which one I like best. One of them is done in HDR toning ....
Version 1 - Closest to the original
Version 2
Version 3
And Version 4
11-27-2010, 08:44 PM
I see someone was down at the Inglewood bird Sanctuary recently! I'm partial to #1 but just as an FYi, theres a dust spot in the lower right part of the images. :)
11-28-2010, 04:40 AM
So that's what they did with the birds from Olympic Plaza for the winter! I like the final one best myself. I like this sculpture which can add up visually to more than the sum of its parts.
11-28-2010, 07:07 AM
I'm normally more traditional with my PP play, so shot 4 for me.
But purely on coolest of the 4, that's shot 3.
Matt K.
11-28-2010, 12:36 PM
I'm normally more traditional with my PP play, so shot 4 for me.
But purely on coolest of the 4, that's shot 3.
Thanks, Marko. Shot 3 is the one in HDR tones ... I kinda like this as well just from an "abstract" point of view.
Ernst-Ulrich Schafer
11-28-2010, 08:21 PM
Fun stuff Matt.
11-29-2010, 12:28 PM
I like version #1 and #4 the best .
11-29-2010, 01:49 PM
I like #3. it looks like a black hole opening up to suck in the birds. :)
11-29-2010, 07:04 PM
I like #3. Is this a sign of climate change and that the the hole in the ozone layer.
Matt K.
11-30-2010, 10:00 PM
Thanks all ... yes, it is fun playing with images once in a while. And true enough, it could very well be a hole in the ozone layer ...
interesting post on these Matt - cool
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