View Full Version : "A Koala walks into a bar ... "

Mad Aussie
11-17-2010, 03:46 AM
" ... and the Canadian Bar Tender asks him for his ID. "

What's the punchline???

There isn't one ... it actually happened the other day.

The bar tender, koala, and bar are on Magnetic Island which is just off the coast of Queensland and the city of Townsville.

It was pissing rain, there was about 15 people in the bar and in walks our furry hero. He looks around ... wanders up to the bar ... where the Canadian bar tender ( I think he was Canadian judging by his accent) asks for ID and said (on the radio) that the koala was underage so he refused to pour him a drink! The koala climbed up one of the posts at the bar and settled in the rafters next to the loud speakers ad went to sleep.

A ranger was called who came in and caught the little guy and took him back out to the trees where he belongs.

Not sure if they took the Canadian to where ever he belongs :)

One of my shots ... because I can ...

AND ... also on Magnetic Island a couple from the state of Victoria, found a koala in the bed at their accommodation! Maybe it was the same koala?? Don't know about that but I do know the island and it's certainly small enough for that to be a very real possibility.

Story here Victorian tourists in Queensland find a koala in their bed | Herald Sun (http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victorian-tourists-in-queensland-find-a-koala-in-their-bed/story-e6frf7jo-1225719977974)

11-17-2010, 04:34 AM
cool story and photo to match.

11-17-2010, 06:45 AM
cool capture and story is a "hoot"

11-17-2010, 08:01 AM
Nice looking koala and an interesting story.

11-17-2010, 11:08 AM
Nice shot and story MA. Looking at those claws.....koalas are not as cuddly as they are in my imagination!

Wicked Dark
11-17-2010, 11:18 AM
and they reek of cough drops because of that bad eucalyptus habit. ;)

11-17-2010, 12:54 PM
Nice shot. Funny story..lol. Would of made my day to see that!

11-17-2010, 02:09 PM
Nice capture. Good job the bartender didn't serve him. Looks like he has already had one too many.

11-17-2010, 02:15 PM
aw great picture and great story too. I wonder why he was so tame?

Mad Aussie
11-17-2010, 04:24 PM
Thanks everyone ... I thought you might enjoy hearing about these :)

Nice shot and story MA. Looking at those claws.....koalas are not as cuddly as they are in my imagination!
Some are. But I wouldn't recommend picking up a Koala that is obviously not happy about you being near him. He can, and will, rip your arms (and anything else in reach) to shreds within seconds. However, in the refuges, zoo's etc they are as cuddly and soft and lovable as your childhood dreams think they are. Only holding a duckling is a softer experience ... and maybe a new born baby's smell and sigh.

Nice capture. Good job the bartender didn't serve him. Looks like he has already had one too many.
They say the Eucalyptus leaves have an hallucinogen effect on them, so you might be close :)