View Full Version : Put on a happy face

11-11-2010, 02:47 AM
Found this on one of my lunch walks last week.


I have been following people's threads. I'm dealing with a very unstable system at work. I'm the primary user. I didn't get to sit in on any of the training sessions. I've ended up writing my own user manual (part of my duties, in case I get hit by the proverbial beer truck). It crashes at least twice a day, usually once everyone has gone home, and I just get to figure out how to deal with the crashes. No, it can't wait until morning.

So I'm lurking, but not feeling up to replying a lot of times. I'll try to post at least a little more than I have been.

11-11-2010, 04:56 PM
With all your computer problems looking at this picture should put a smile on you face..

11-13-2010, 01:46 AM
I've got one leaning against one of the computer speakers. My boss has one taped to her monitor. The teller line has pinned theirs to the bulletin board next to the drivethru window. And the call center has it hanging in their reading materials cubical. A portion of this system is giving everyone grief, in the results, if nothing else. We've got one of the senior tech support people in daily contact now. He asked to remote in so he could watch what I was doing. I blew the system up quite nicely for him. He's sending the logs to the developers, and wants more as I run across problems.

Personally, I think a shotgun shell to the server and a new vendor would solve a lot of the problems.