View Full Version : NIkon D90

11-03-2010, 09:32 PM
I currently have a D5000 and would like to move on to a D90 for many reasons. The main concern I would like to address is the build in af motor. This might sound wierd but do the D90 have it?

11-12-2010, 01:14 PM
Yes, the D90 has an internal AF drive motor. With that being said. Have you seen the D7000? If I was to upgrade I would go with that model.

11-14-2010, 02:35 PM
I have seen the D7000. My finances are limiting my purchase and I have a shoot I need to do soon.

12-30-2010, 02:25 PM
Here we are discuss about Nikon D90. It is a 12.3 megapixel Nikon D90 camera model Nikon has announced August 27, 2008. Some of the improvements the D90 offers over the D80 includes a 12.3-megapixel resolution, their sensitivity to light.