View Full Version : Some Photography Supestars

10-10-2010, 04:43 AM
Well, just two for now. Their work is well worth an in depth look:

First is Peter Kemp:

PETER KEMP FOTOGRAFIE (http://www.peterkemp.nl/)

His photos encompass an often surreal look into past decades. His website is kind of a pain to navigate but is worth the time to look at all the photos.

Second but not in talent is Daria Endresen- her work consists mostly of nudes- somewhat surreal and depicting, loss, abandonment, loneliness and pain:

Daria Endresen: gallery (http://dariaendresen.com/gallery/)

hope you enjoy their work as much as I do!

10-15-2010, 05:19 PM
Another Superstar:

Eugenio Recuenco Photography | TrendLand: Fashion Blog & Trend Magazine (http://trendland.net/2008/10/30/eugenio-recuenco-photography/#)

10-16-2010, 05:44 AM
Really like Peter kemp big time - thx for sharing this!