View Full Version : Autumn Beauty

09-29-2010, 03:33 PM
A bit of an Orton effect is used here. I am somewhat concerned with the blown out clouds but having checked the set of 3 images I took of this, they all blow out the clouds. :shrug: I am not sure if that is a major flaw here or not. Anyway, critique away on anything that bothers you about the image.


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Matt K.
09-29-2010, 07:41 PM
Bothers me that I did not take it. Wonderful image, JAS; Clouds like that are hard to capture without blowing them out. Especially since they are only a small part of the image and do not have a definite "edge"; gradual ND filters help there, but where would you start the graduation? Without a 'horizon' line of some sort you would be hooped. I think there are gradual ND filters with a circular pattern out there ... not sure, though :shrug::twocents:

09-30-2010, 01:29 AM
Thanks, Matt! The fall colours we are getting this year are really amazing!

Mad Aussie
10-17-2010, 04:32 PM
It's a striking image, no doubt about that. The processing, for me, has taken it closer to graphic than photo I think but it's still an excellent shot.

I really like the composition and perspective very much. The colours are strong and warm, nice palette. The white clouds might just be white clouds. They don't really look blown out to me and the sky colour doesn't support the blown out look either.

For me, I'd rather see less Orton as I feel it's overused in this forum to be honest. Everytime I see one I turn off just a little. This is a personal thing for me though and a good orton shot is lovely, no doubt about that. I think in this case a more subtle orton effect might have been better.

In the end though I'm surprized this one didn't get nominated by someone.

10-17-2010, 04:39 PM
Thanks, M.A. I will go back to it and try it without or with less Orton. Honestly, when try the Orton effect, I like it on the computer but I rarely like it as a print. Anyway it was a real pretty Autumn day.

Mad Aussie
10-17-2010, 04:43 PM
Honestly, when try the Orton effect, I like it on the computer but I rarely like it as a print.
I'd say that's the difference of looking at backlit pixels and printed inks lit from the front. Very different and the backlit pixels of a good monitor are always going to be more vibrant.

10-22-2010, 08:32 AM
I agree with Mad Aussie, it looks more like a graphic than a photo, but that's one thing I like about it.

What I think is missing is a subject, say a person on the path, perhaps in the foreground. At the moment it's just a photo, not a photo of any thing in particular. As it stands, the eye roams all around the picture. What it needs is an object of focus. I feel that's what's missing from it.

10-23-2010, 01:45 AM
Cadellin, I agree, that is my problem in much of my photography. Lack of motif. I seem to have a problem finding and emphasizing motif. It's been a real struggle for me lately. Thanks, for the comments.

Mad Aussie
10-23-2010, 02:08 AM
For me, the path and the journey my eyes took along it, and the fantasy my mind created wondering where it led, was enough subject. Your perspective and composition achieved that.

10-23-2010, 06:05 AM

10-25-2010, 02:35 AM
Love this one JAS. Even though the clouds are blown out a bit, this one is still very effective with the colours in the trees taking the eye away from the clouds in the background. Fantastic job here, composition is wonderful!