View Full Version : Why some people struggle with camera gear choices...

09-08-2010, 06:05 PM
Greetings guys

I empathize with all of those people who struggle with purchasing camera gear. It really can be quite a daunting process. Given the sometimes overwhelming number of choices involved in acquiring gear, it's no wonder that many of the people who post on forums are genuinely torn and/or confused.

I wrote an article on this topic today, based on a book that I recently read called The Paradox of Choice. If this sounds even remotely interesting, check it out...

peter anthony PHOTOGRAPHY - Peter Anthony Photography Blog - THE PARADOX OF*CHOICE (http://www.peteranthonyphotography.com/peter-anthony-photography-blog/2010/9/8/the-paradox-of-choice.html)

The general premise extends well beyond photographic equipment, to almost all consumer products, so it may have value for everyone. If found the book to be a worthwhile read.

At the least, it will make for an interesting discussion.


peter anthony PHOTOGRAPHY - Home (http://www.peteranthonyphotography.com)

09-08-2010, 06:50 PM
Interesting. If you like that, this'll knock your socks off: YouTube - Dan Gilbert: Exploring the frontiers of happiness (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-4flnuxNV4)

09-08-2010, 08:21 PM
Thank you for passing on this link to me Iguanasan. I will definitely check that out.


peter anthony PHOTOGRAPHY - Home (http://www.peteranthonyphotography.com)