View Full Version : Multiple exposure - September 2010
08-27-2010, 02:28 PM
Anyone got suggestions? :lightbulb
This is tricky. I'd like it to match the main assignment so if someone attempts this one but doesn't feel successful they can still put it in the main one. So, "doors" + what?
I have an idea,,,,,multiple exposure.
Either In camera or as a result of PP....but it should be 2 full exposures. - 2 full shots layered one on top of the other.
(not adding individual elements from one shot into the other shot via selection tools in photoshop)
anyone can feel free to suggest other topics if they aren't into the suggested topics thus far and the suggestion with the most support becomes September's theme.
that's a nice idea Marko, and I imagine to get good results is a lot more challenging than it sounds.
I have an idea,,,,,multiple exposure.
Either In camera or as a result of PP....but it should be 2 full exposures. - 2 full shots layered one on top of the other.
(not adding individual elements from one shot into the other shot via selection tools in photoshop)
anyone can feel free to suggest other topics if they aren't into the suggested topics thus far and the suggestion with the most support becomes September's theme.
okay, but can anyone do that with their camera? I am not sure how to do it with mine.
I do not think your camera will do double exposures. Bambi. So, just to understand if I have this correct -if done in post rather then in camera, one shot is layered on the other and transparency adjusted, but no adjustment layers allowed to bring up one part of the picture more then another? For example, I could take a photo of a brick wall, then take the same photo with a person in it and layer them with the plain brick wall both with adjusted transparency on top giviing the person the illusion of being semi-transparent. Just as a simple example.
Ok, some further explanations, questions. If done with a film camera, you can do one shot then at any time later take another shot on top of that shot. Pretty easy to do with a Lomo, for instance, where accidently doing double exposures is pretty common. I just checked and with my D300 if shooting a double exposure, I need to do the second one within a time frame of 30 seconds or the camera turns it off.
Ok, so as an example of what not to do. For example, I want to take a lovely night time cityscape with a full moon but in oder to not blow out the moon, I take one shot of the moon properly exposed, then I take a second shot with the cityscape properly exposed. I layer them in photoshop and using an adjustment layer bring out the properly exposed moon into the properly exposed city scene, leaving the overblown moon and underexposed cityscape hidden. Does this make sense and is correct?
okay thanks jas! works for me.
I do not think your camera will do double exposures. Bambi.
D5000 doesn't do double exposure.
I just checked and with my D300 if shooting a double exposure, I need to do the second one within a time frame of 30 seconds or the camera turns it off.
Yes, and no. There is a work around to get a longer interval. Select "ON" for the image review option in the playback menu and extend the monitor off delay using the custom settings C4. The maximum interval between shots is 30s longer than whatever option is selected in C4. So, by selecting the 10 minute option, you have 10 minutes and 30 seconds between shots.
By the way, you can shoot anywhere between 2 -10 shots and by selecting the Auto-Gain option, the camera will expose each shot so that the composite(?) doesn't appear to be blown out.
I guess what i was referring to was two or more different subjects, but it doesn't have to be. I'd have no problem with adjustment layers...
This is just my interpretation but the only thing that wouldn't be allowed is selecting i element from 1 shot and put it into another. It should be two (or more) full images stacked. the stacking can be in camera or in a graphics program or a combination...
09-01-2010, 03:18 AM
Ok members,
Suggestion posts merged and the challenge this month is Multiple exposure (sorry:o iggy).
Just so it's sort of clear what we are after are multiple exposures (2+) in camera.....And/Or adding full (cropping allowed) multiple images as layers in a graphics program. Feel free to do your normal processing (opacity, levels/curves,masking etc) after that. That would just be a guideline..not so into extra strict rules.:D
Ok then? who is going first?
09-01-2010, 07:58 AM
Ok members,
Suggestion posts merged and the challenge this month is Multiple exposure (sorry:o iggy)....snip...
No apology necessary. I intend on doing a multiple exposure involving doors! :)
09-01-2010, 10:03 AM
LOL..... this is going to be a little hard considering I have commited to only taking one shot every day per month with only one lens on another forum. :laughing:
09-01-2010, 10:08 AM
LOL..... this is going to be a little hard considering I have commited to only taking one shot every day per month with only one lens on another forum. :laughing:
Wait, what? Only one shot per day? Nah, can't join you in that. I can ensure that I get at least one shot every day and stick with only one lens but I can't limit myself to one shot per day. Sorry :( I took 7 on the way into to work this morning! :eek:
09-01-2010, 10:17 AM
Seeeeee? A little harder than you thought Iggy. Only one shot per day using only one lens the whole month is allowed! :laughing:
I may cheat once though for this assignment...shhhh. :angel:
09-01-2010, 10:48 AM
Seeeeee? A little harder than you thought Iggy. Only one shot per day using only one lens the whole month is allowed! :laughing:
I may cheat once though for this assignment...shhhh. :angel:
I won't say a word... my lips are sealed ;)
09-01-2010, 11:02 AM
so you guys suck at subterfuge.... :p :laughing:
I can't do the one shot per day per month but am off to try this assignment...
09-01-2010, 08:37 PM
okay here's my version- please please let me know what you think. I know nothing about this type of image so need all the assistance I can get :)
This is a merge of my new front door looking at the closed door and view looking out.
09-01-2010, 09:03 PM
LOL..... this is going to be a little hard considering I have commited to only taking one shot every day per month with only one lens on another forum. :laughing:
That's your other life not this one.
09-02-2010, 09:41 AM
Really nice start bambi and this shot fits perfectly. The position of the reddish door within the white doorframe.
I'm going to assume that a few members have never done multiple exposures, so a small hint might be not to have both (or more photos) be 'busy' as 2 busy photos layered, in my experience does not work as well as 'less busy' photos that are layered.....if that makes any sense.
09-02-2010, 10:23 PM
So my first attempt at this was a bit futile..still trying to figure out how to do it in camera. Realized I need to haul out a tripod and I ate my subject before I figured out how to make this all work nicely. :wall-an:
Once I figured it out I realized it is a fairly easy process with the K7 after all, just was a bit toooo eager and hungry! :laughing:
Will try again tomorrow!
09-03-2010, 03:24 AM
I was photographing the art at work and at the end of the night got Patrick to pose for this. The lights I was using for the artwork were not bright enough to light up the whole foyer, obviously so had to use an ISO of 1600. Converted to B&W so the noise looked more grainy.
09-04-2010, 12:22 AM
OK, so if I knew how to do this and had the programs, I'd take my first shot of the mausoleum door, and on the side where it should be I would add in the pad and the UP and DOWN buttons from an elevator door.
09-04-2010, 05:01 AM
OK, so if I knew how to do this and had the programs, I'd take my first shot of the mausoleum door, and on the side where it should be I would add in the pad and the UP and DOWN buttons from an elevator door.
First, what camera are you using? Second, are you using Mac or Windows? Third, what software do you currently have for working with images?
09-04-2010, 08:24 AM
Nice one Jas - well done!
09-04-2010, 10:24 AM
Bambi, nice shot. It's now obvious that it's an Oak door.:rolleyes:
09-04-2010, 03:51 PM
Iguanasan, my D300 can take the multiple exposures. Side by sides and total overlays are straight forward. The problem comes in trying to place a small piece of shot 2 (buttons) within a specific area of shot 1 (side of the door). Pretty much impossible to do. I'd be better off staging the site but then that's not the challenge we're after here. I just thought the up or down choice would be funny.
I use a PC to store my photos. No software,,, my variations in photos are are done using the basic camera settings.
09-04-2010, 06:44 PM
The problem comes in trying to place a small piece of shot 2 (buttons) within a specific area of shot 1 (side of the door).
Andrew, having read Marko's posts at the beginning of this thread I don't think you're supposed to do this (at least not to post in this particular thread)
the only thing that wouldn't be allowed is selecting 1 element from 1 shot and put it into another. It should be two (or more) full images stacked.
Just so it's sort of clear what we are after are multiple exposures (2+) in camera.....And/Or adding full (cropping allowed) multiple images as layers in a graphics program.
09-04-2010, 08:22 PM
Understood. Nothing submitted except my attempt with a bit of my level of humour.
ok here is my first crack at this assignment level - consists of two full size shots layered in PS, both desaturated and re-sized with drop shadow.
09-05-2010, 09:11 AM
VERY cool image EdG - Nice :highfive:
09-05-2010, 11:10 AM
Iguanasan, my D300 can take the multiple exposures. Side by sides and total overlays are straight forward. The problem comes in trying to place a small piece of shot 2 (buttons) within a specific area of shot 1 (side of the door). Pretty much impossible to do. I'd be better off staging the site but then that's not the challenge we're after here. I just thought the up or down choice would be funny.
I use a PC to store my photos. No software,,, my variations in photos are are done using the basic camera settings.
Well, it sounds like it's just a challenge :) You need to frame both images in such a way as to have the buttons show up in the right place. If it was easy it wouldn't be a level 2 assignment ;)
As for storing your images on your PC I would recommend you take a look at Picasa 3: Free download from Google ( as a decent free tool for managing your images. If you are looking for editing software there are lots of commercial products as well as Gimp which is free.
09-06-2010, 11:47 AM
I intend on doing a multiple exposure involving doors! :)
That was kinda what I had in mind to try and here's what I came up with. Its seven frames with each one exposed in a decreasing fashion by one stop. I let the camera put them all together, and then I did a minimal curves adjustment. HDR without the software!
Oh, and the tiny little door is all the way to the rear :headslap:
09-07-2010, 01:36 AM
Cool shot with awesome perspective, Barefoot!
09-08-2010, 01:07 AM
09-08-2010, 07:46 AM
I like that one, Barefoot. Very cool.
09-08-2010, 10:37 AM
cool shots here barefoot!
09-08-2010, 11:17 AM
Another cool one, Barefoot!
Built on Dinosaur Bones (
09-09-2010, 10:05 PM
4 multiple exposures processed in camera. Taken with my FE as I was riding to school on the C-train LRT line that runs along 7th Avenue.
I guess for me it is kind of a cool blended portrait of downtown life.
I hope this will suffice. :shrug:
09-10-2010, 01:11 AM
I think it more than suffices. It's obviously a multiple exposure, and there's enough detail to make the subject matter clear. The black and white is great for this image and I really like the vignetting and the lens distortion from your wide angle all month lens. Mike
09-10-2010, 11:22 AM
Great new additions Jas and Casil!
09-14-2010, 11:05 AM
Here's a couple of in camera doubles. I kinda like what I get with one shot in focus and the other out.(no cracks from the canon gallery) It'll take time and the assignment will be long over before I get any good at it, but I'm going to keep working with this technique.
09-14-2010, 12:30 PM
Awesome, Barefoot. This is very much like the Orton treatment. I like it!
09-14-2010, 06:05 PM
I like it too - well done!
09-14-2010, 10:14 PM
The Water Spire
09-17-2010, 02:34 AM
Cool idea!
09-17-2010, 10:49 AM
Interesting shot Iggy, in camera right?
09-19-2010, 01:32 AM
Hope this qualifies, its preddy psychedelic.
09-19-2010, 02:41 AM
That is quite cool!
09-19-2010, 03:44 AM
Wow that's a great psychedelic one - love the colours. Here is my work - made out of 3 beach shots - hope it works too.
Crap - won't work - I'll make an attachment again
Strandkomposition - Meine Fotowelt (
09-19-2010, 09:03 PM
really cool MM. Here's one I just did, trying to convey the idea --- well never mind. if the picture doesn't say it then it's a failure :shrug:
09-24-2010, 01:35 AM
Cool image, Bambi! Very nice!
09-26-2010, 09:47 PM
This was done in PS. The Golden Gate Bridge was placed over the Bay Bridge with the rising sun in "Multiply" blending mode. Too bad the north tower of the GG bridge overlaps with the Bay Bridge. I would prefer to mask it out but I assume that would disqualify the entry.
Thanks Marko.
In that case, here's the masked version for comparison.
09-27-2010, 12:55 PM
Nice ones moinx2, Bambi and Leroy... ah you could have done that masking Leroy, we're pretty flexible : )
here's mine - i just got back from Western Newfoundland last night. here's a triple in camera exposure. I took it 2 days after hurricane Igor hit the opposite side of the coast.
09-29-2010, 01:52 PM
Cool stuff, Marko! I just watched Joe McNally's latest video tutorial on Kelby Training last night and he demonstrated two 3 frame in camera multi-exposures using flash. Very cool and really it's worth signing up for the Kelby training just for the Joe McNally videos but there is lots else on there as well.
09-29-2010, 02:31 PM
Thanks Jas! here's another shot from that same shoreline maybe 500 meters further up.
09-29-2010, 02:49 PM
Now that one is really nice!
09-29-2010, 07:36 PM
Marko- that one is awesome!!!
09-29-2010, 08:50 PM
here's another one of mine
09-30-2010, 04:19 AM
Colourful shot! Really nice, Jude!
09-30-2010, 04:28 AM
A three frame, in camera, multiple exposure. (
09-30-2010, 07:29 AM
Very cool shots, Jude and JAS.
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