08-26-2010, 11:33 PM
One of my other interests besides Photography, is Fish. I have 2 Tanganyika Cichlid tanks going and am breeding Neolamprologus brichardi and trying to breed Neolamprologus leleupi,and Cyprichromis leptosoma. My 3rd Tank is my catfish/ Blood Parrot tank.
Here are a couple shots I got tonight, had a really hard time with exposure, was either blown out or to dark. These tanks have insane lighting on top because I also grow aquatic plants, u wouldn't know it from the photos though.
This is a young Leleupi, I left the flower in the background. Getting a aquatic plant to flower is a challenge!
This is one of my Parrots " Benu"
And this is a small Brichardi fry
Here are a couple shots I got tonight, had a really hard time with exposure, was either blown out or to dark. These tanks have insane lighting on top because I also grow aquatic plants, u wouldn't know it from the photos though.
This is a young Leleupi, I left the flower in the background. Getting a aquatic plant to flower is a challenge!
This is one of my Parrots " Benu"
And this is a small Brichardi fry