View Full Version : Calgary's Central Memorial Park

08-21-2010, 08:11 PM

Calgary's Central Memorial Park is sometimes called Central Park and also Memorial Park. It is found at 1221 - 2nd Street SW in the Beltline district. By day this is a pleasant, open location with a reasonable amount of pedestrian traffic, particularly when the Memorial Park Library on the site is open.

Read more at Suite101: Calgary's Central Memorial Park: A Level Site, Rich in Layers of Western Canadian History

Calgary's Central Memorial Park: A Level Site, Rich in Layers of Western Canadian History (http://www.suite101.com/content/calgarys-central-memorial-park-a27490#ixzz0xHoPmF1j)


08-21-2010, 08:50 PM
I can see my house! It is a beautiful city park for sure.
One small friendly bit of advice Peter...you may want to consider leveling these images. The horizon is crooked on the first 2 which in particular slope to the right.:)

Mad Aussie
08-21-2010, 10:11 PM
Looks like a cool place to shoot.

08-22-2010, 12:04 AM
I can see my house! It is a beautiful city park for sure.
One small friendly bit of advice Peter...you may want to consider leveling these images. The horizon is crooked on the first 2 which in particular slope to the right.:)

How do I do that ?

08-22-2010, 07:12 AM
If you have Lightroom you can use use the crop/ruler tool. If you do not have LR or photoshop here's a few other alternatives below and I am sure others on the forum can help you. :)
For LR:
Straight and Level
To speed up the process of straightening or leveling an image, press the R key to select the Crop Overlay tool. Next, press Command (PC: Ctrl) and click-and-drag along something in the image that should be straight or level. With this technique, you'll never have to click the Straighten tool in the panel. (In Figure 1, I clicked-and-dragged along the bar.) For even more help straightening the image, press Command-Option (PC: Ctrl-Alt) as you use the Straighten tool to display a grid that will help you straighten the image. Finally, press Return (PC: Enter) to apply the crop.
For Photoshop:
Levelling photographs using Photoshops ruler tool | Mutiny Design (http://www.mutinydesign.co.uk/web-design-resources/levelling-photographs-using-photoshops-ruler-tool/)

If you have Picasa (freeware from Google) you can do it using this:
How to straighten a photo with Picasa | eHow.com (http://www.ehow.com/how_5210211_straighten-photo-picasa.html)

and if you are using WIndows Live photo Gallery:
Straighten a Photo - Windows Live Photo Gallery (http://malektips.com/live-photo-gallery-straighten.html)

I hope this helps...:)