View Full Version : my first ever blk&whts!

08-07-2010, 09:11 PM
Today was pooring rain, so i decided to challenge myself and go get some blk and wht's after finally figuring out how to change my camera settings! ( shows how much of a newbie i am ha ha)

so here they are

08-08-2010, 05:47 AM
Great photographs, however, you need to work on exposure. Last photograph is underexposed badly.
Only other critique I have is the first photograph. The depth of field could be a bit better. Get closer, or use lower f stop to get shallower depth of field. Ocean is a bit distracting in that picture.

08-08-2010, 06:51 AM
Selecting B&W for some rainy day shots was a great idea and you have some nice results. I really like your composition on these captures. Especially number three! :clap::clap: Just goes to show you that a point and shoot can get wonderful results.

I know this is not the critique thread, however, I would like to make two small suggestions if you don't mind as I believe two small adjustments would make all of these images noticeably better. 1) Boosting the contrast would make a big difference in all of these shots. 2) Leveling. This is the simplest thing to do but often overlooked. Your horizon line is crooked in 4 out of the 5 shots. Note that you could do both of these adjustments with these shots now. Do you have something with which to do some image editing?

08-08-2010, 08:29 AM
Iggy's comments are spot on! You can also shoot in colour and then convert to B&W in post processing. It leaves your options open.

These are nicely composed shots.

08-08-2010, 08:31 AM
Thanks guys, ya with a point and shoot your pretty limited when it comes to dept of field and exposure. I will try to mess around editing them and see if i can improve them and ill re-post. It was very challenging to get these shots, and not loose detail to the glare of the sky.

08-08-2010, 09:59 AM
Thanks guys, ya with a point and shoot your pretty limited when it comes to dept of field and exposure. I will try to mess around editing them and see if i can improve them and ill re-post. It was very challenging to get these shots, and not loose detail to the glare of the sky.

What point and shoot are you shooting with?

08-08-2010, 12:46 PM
its an old 7mp Nikon cool pics L16

08-08-2010, 01:50 PM
its an old 7mp Nikon cool pics L16

Looks like a wonderful point and shoot. I'm sure you can capture lots of wonderful images with that camera.

08-08-2010, 02:07 PM
My favorites are number 2&3!. Nice work.