View Full Version : Yes, I'm at it again

Wicked Dark
07-30-2010, 08:56 PM
Went to 3 cemeteries today. Light was iffy, but I got a few images I don't hate.

First is the Dublin Town Cemetery (no, not Ireland silly). It's on a major roadway and looks big, but it's way bigger than I thought. Amna's stone caught my attention and I spent a few minutes casting about for a composition. Then some fancy processing -

Next is a cemetery in my hometown and one my mom's been on me to go and photograph. The light was atrocious except in the shade where I found this WWI veteran -

Lastly is the Amherst Town Cemetery located in the oldest part of the town behind the town hall. It's been fixed up recently, but was really dry and crispy due to lack of rain. Oldest graves are from the 1740s. I went with an archival approach -

I don't know what it is, but I can't stay outta these places.

07-30-2010, 09:42 PM
Cool stuff! Old graveyards are fascinating and peaceful. I was going to say dead calm. :shrug: All three photos are cool. THe lined up and leaning gravestones exude their own personalities almost.

07-30-2010, 10:42 PM
hey I like graveyards too. In this set I particularly like the POV of the second.

Wicked Dark
07-31-2010, 07:10 AM
Thanks much. glad I'm not the only one. It gets tougher and tougher to come up with interesting or different photos of graveyards when you shoot so many.