View Full Version : need help with editing:( wedding shot.

09-05-2008, 01:03 PM
hello there, fellow photographers.
i don't exactly need concrit on this photo..therefore not really sure if i'm posting this to the right subforum...what i would like is a suggestion on how to fix this, if it's even possible in photoshop. maybe point me to a tutorial on eliminating unflattering shadow or something of the like? my problem was that it was 2pm on a very, very sunny day, i was shooting on auto because i had just gotten my camera the week before and i wasn't confident enough with it yet to shoot manually. i still got some very flattering shots, thank goodness and i was not the payed photographer..it was a family wedding and i was asked to take less traditional shots(for free..lol)...but i am a photographer of things..lol..not so much people yet and still have a hard time editing skintone and detail...determining placement of shadows.

sooo..... here is the photo.


problems: the whites in my opinion are blown out, the skin tone is boardering on orange and the shadows are ....:eek: blue...but i love the composition of the photo and want to salvage it if i can. i tried black and whiting it but the shadows stand out way too much. help?:( i, for very obvious reasons can't reshoot and i'm already a week late sending the bride and groom the photos.
any suggestions on how i can fix this would definately be appreciated.

09-05-2008, 02:29 PM

WOW this is a tough one. Here is my take on it. I thought it would work in black and white..Plus a little burning in PS to bring out some of the highlights. If you shot in Raw, I bet you could bring back more highlights than I did.
The color is a little over my head but there might be a way to mask it out and just adjust the shadows.

Shooting in sun and shadows is a tough. When I shoot on a sunny day, I look for complete shadows and try to catch the sun peeking through the trees to get eom highlights.

09-05-2008, 10:49 PM
WOW this is a tough one. Here is my take on it. I thought it would work in black and white..Plus a little burning in PS to bring out some of the highlights. If you shot in Raw, I bet you could bring back more highlights than I did.
The color is a little over my head but there might be a way to mask it out and just adjust the shadows.

Shooting in sun and shadows is a tough. When I shoot on a sunny day, I look for complete shadows and try to catch the sun peeking through the trees to get eom highlights.

unfortunately i only shot in jpeg:( you're right though, it would have been alot easier to edit had a chosen raw. i didn't realize i was only on hq jpeg until i was about half way through the wedding. it made me a little grumpy. thanks for trying though. i think i might have to scrap it. :(:yuck:

09-06-2008, 01:00 AM
Use curves to increase the brightness to get rid of the shadow on the dress, not too much just to decrease the impact of the shadow.

Use another curves adjustment layer to get that skin the right color if you can. I would also desaturate just a little. It might make the dress pop because it is already all white.