View Full Version : Tas-The Shot Tower

Mad Aussie
07-26-2010, 02:22 AM
The Shot Tower at Taroona/Bonnet Hill, Hobart region, Tasmania.
A shot tower is a tower used for the production of lead shot balls for firearms by free-falling molten lead into water.
This one was built in 1870.




07-26-2010, 07:02 AM
now that is a cool structure! The first one really shows the height and the pp adds to the dramatic feel. The second one is neat showing the bridge and open door. I also like the detail of the texture in the third. :)


07-26-2010, 07:41 AM
Yes, it's a nice and complete set that's been well captured. You've given me the tour without me having to travel thousands of miles :)

07-26-2010, 08:31 AM
cool set, I like 1 and 3 especially. What lens did you use for shot 1, it looks very wide to fit the tower in?

Like the PP here too.

Wicked Dark
07-26-2010, 08:44 AM
Great job. I love old, weird stuff like this. The things us humans get up to. Your processing really works with the subject here.

07-26-2010, 11:36 AM
Cool set, and I like the tones and composition.

Mad Aussie
07-26-2010, 02:21 PM
Thanks all. It was a wonderful old building and the old lady that makes the coffee etc was so interesting. It was cold so she lit up the open fire for us and preceded to tell me how her house (which is behind us in this photo) has 11 open fireplaces in it ... one in the loungeoom and 1 in each of the 10 bedrooms! She was a wealth of info about the area. If I'd had time to go back and chat again I would have for sure.

Richard ... 10-22mm lens.

Matt K.
07-26-2010, 07:45 PM
Cool set. Nicely done. First image is my fav ...

Mad Aussie
07-26-2010, 07:54 PM
Thanks Matt

07-31-2010, 12:53 AM
Me (calling out the den door): "MA's got pictures of a shot tower!"
Mike (wandering in to look): "For making lead shot?" (Peers at screen) "Neat."

He hadn't seen one before, though he knew what they were.

You really had a heck of a trip, MA. I've enjoyed seeing pieces of it.

Mad Aussie
07-31-2010, 01:11 AM
Thanks Q1 :)

That's the worlds only round shot tower left I think.