View Full Version : Highland Fall

Wicked Dark
07-20-2010, 08:27 AM
Life has sidelined me from photography for the nonce, but I have literally hundreds of slides and negatives that can occupy my time and my scanner.

I found this one the other day. It's an abandoned farm that I got to explore (not well enough - oh hindsight!) back in the early 90s. It's now roped off, completely stripped and no trespassing signs abound. When it was a farm its main crop was apples (I found some ledgers and bills of lading that showed that). Now the orchards are subdivisions planted with cookie-cutter houses and few trees. It makes me sad, but what can you do, in the wise words of Clutch, you can't stop progress.

1991 shot on Kodachrome with either the OM-1N or the OM-G and the Zuiko 24mm f2.8 lens. the crispness and depth of Kodachrome 64 are impossible to capture or reproduce, but here it is anyway -


Just for contrast, here's a shot from late last year.


I couldn't get nearer because of the ropes and signs. I didn't even get out of the car. I have no idea what the plans are for this lovely building, but I hope no one decides to tear it down. Set of more images here (http://www.flickr.com/photos/thewiresmith/sets/72157622802527254/with/4169594325/)(they're not so great, so be warned).

edited to add 2nd shot. I was frazzled this am and couldn't get my **** together.

07-20-2010, 10:14 AM
This is a really lovely scene WD. really nice colour and comp here! If I may...to me this one seems quite slanted to the right based on the position of the house.

Wicked Dark
07-20-2010, 11:31 AM
Thanks, it's actually an enormous barn and warehouse facility, not a house. If you look at some of the shots in the set on flickr, there's one of a rear door that can admit trucks. There are two sections that run at 90 degrees from each wing end and were for equipment and transport, too. There are animal stalls on the left wing as you face the barn. I don't know what happened to the house if there ever was one. Way in back of the barn there is a free-standing chimney that might have been part of a work shed or maybe a house, I have no idea.

Mad Aussie
07-20-2010, 05:04 PM
How cool would it be if it were house!!

07-24-2010, 08:55 PM
If it's basically sound and the owner has sense, this is exactly the type of building where you preserve at least the exterior and fit whatever you're going to do inside of it. Here's hoping the owner has sense. :fingerscr Lovely shot, BTW.

Mad Aussie
07-25-2010, 03:02 AM
I was going to say I like the white roof ... until I realized why it was white :headslap:

Wicked Dark
07-25-2010, 05:49 PM
Yeah, it would be cool if it were a house or if there were one nearby. I don't think this structure has any protection like being an offiical historic farm or anything, so it's at the mercy of the owners who hopefully choose preservatio over the dozer.