View Full Version : Look at my tummy.......

07-15-2010, 10:04 AM
Shot this at iso 1600, F/5 and 1/30 sec.
Converted to B&W in lightroom.

Is it useable ?

07-15-2010, 10:19 AM
A VERY cute and curious shot. I really like this.:highfive: The expression and position of the eyes is excellent! Excellent conversion as well!

Usable?...depends on what you want to use it for.

On this monitor the file looks very good, but if it was captured at too low res and you want to make a large enlargement, then nO not usable.

My main critique here would be the eyes - they are not as sharp as they should be. Look at the child's forearms, they are sharper than her eyes. Always try to focus on the eyes. 1/30 is also too slow here imo. I'd have shot this at 1/60 or 1/125 minimum. Hope that helps - Marko

Mad Aussie
07-15-2010, 05:31 PM
A VERY cute and curious shot. I really like this.:highfive: The expression and position of the eyes is excellent! Excellent conversion as well!

Usable?...depends on what you want to use it for.

On this monitor the file looks very good, but if it was captured at too low res and you want to make a large enlargement, then nO not usable.

My main critique here would be the eyes - they are not as sharp as they should be. Look at the child's forearms, they are sharper than her eyes. Always try to focus on the eyes. 1/30 is also too slow here imo. I'd have shot this at 1/60 or 1/125 minimum. Hope that helps - Marko
Ditto that. If the eyes aren't sharp ... the photo usually isn't going to be a winner.

07-16-2010, 05:34 AM
Thankyou for your feedback, Quite pleased...
I am strugglin to remember to focus on the eyes, This was a quick shot one of those moments in time that you could never re create. So I just pointed and shot in auto focus.........I think if I was to have tried manual focus I would have possibly missed the shot. So I must practice !!

I have printed this shot onto A4 matt and it looks better than it does on screen.

Thanks again..