View Full Version : Animals (mammals, birds, insects etc.)

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  1. I think I know where this is going .....
  2. Mr. Monk
  3. Not your average Puppy ...
  4. Simple Robin
  5. What the ..... Duck
  6. Let me see your serious side
  7. A new perspective
  8. Young Deer
  9. I ate ... now I am waiting to burpppp
  10. The call of the wild
  11. Curious crow
  12. Tiny Beauties
  13. The three kings
  14. Butterfly
  15. Can you find the hummingbird?
  16. Gentleman?... In Red!
  17. Where's Waldo
  18. Guardian of De Fence
  19. A couple critters
  20. In memory of....
  21. The Beaver
  22. The Owl and the Vole
  23. Lynx
  24. Who am I?
  25. Deep slumber
  26. Mother's Day came early
  27. A muddy dog....
  28. Boxy Lady
  29. Found a Robin...
  30. Bee Hummingbird
  31. Mr Handsome...(NOT!!!)
  32. Seal close ups
  33. Flamingo
  34. I found Nemo
  35. a couple otters
  36. Baby Sparrow
  37. What like Rain more than anything?
  38. Ménage à trois!
  39. Mountain Blue Bird
  40. Foraging
  41. Gulls with a difference
  42. More of the great blue heron
  43. Yikes!
  44. Can't Bear the Climb
  45. Hanging On
  46. 6 foot Pickerel Caught in TBay!
  47. My Goose is Cooked!
  48. A Little Colour
  49. Mealtime (Warning: slightly graphic)
  50. Pelican's in the House
  51. Wingless - but up in the tree ...
  52. Hey! #34-
  53. Hard Start
  54. Crane
  55. Thats Close enough
  56. Soft Landing
  57. Merlin or Cooper's Hawk?
  58. and more butterflies
  59. Butterfly
  60. Finally...
  61. Lemur
  62. Ducks - Experimentations with clearity.
  63. More Birds......
  64. The warm of the sun perched way up high
  65. Concentration
  66. Blackbird
  67. Any Chance of Getting A Consent form????
  68. Cute Young Ladies
  69. Different Type of Shovel
  70. Tiny Falcon
  71. Red, red robin
  72. Redheaded Woodpecker with 2 heads!
  73. Mountsberg Wildlife Centre
  74. Dinner Time
  75. Found a Common Grackle Today...
  76. In Flight
  77. In Trouble
  78. Just a RWB
  79. Wile E. Coyote (Impersonator)
  80. The King....
  81. Why do You Embarrass Me So?????
  82. Fast Focus Practice
  83. Who am I
  84. Pefect Landing
  85. Enjoying the spring sun
  86. Hay Lady...Don't Turn Around!
  87. Afternoon snooze
  88. Moving Day!
  89. Sparrows?? in the back yard
  90. Horses at Dusk
  91. Purple & red
  92. Who's A Clever Bird?
  93. I went out for ducks but....
  94. You AGAIN!
  95. Song Sparrow
  96. Male Mallard
  97. Who Let the Dog Out
  98. I see the breast and I get hungry .... but I wouldn't, really
  99. Flicker
  100. Last Robin of the season
  101. Cue the Chicken-Dance Music
  102. Ring-neck Ducks
  103. Cranes In The Marsh
  104. Boring Seagull
  105. Golden eye - in differnt colours
  106. Cedar Waxwings are here
  107. Osprey holding watch
  108. Meditative
  109. Urban Deer
  110. Woodpecker
  111. incoming ....
  112. Big cats, and a horse
  113. Two more Mallards
  114. Urban Eagle
  115. Two Favourite Insect Photos From 2010
  116. It's a Duck!
  117. Watchful Cormorants
  118. Coot
  119. Fluffing up
  120. Departure
  121. The much feared "Orange Eye Gang"
  122. I'm just that pretty!
  123. Caddyshack refugee
  124. Landing duck
  125. A banking duck
  126. Monty
  127. Raptors up close
  128. Another Very Rare Beauty
  129. He's Got The Blue's
  130. Sparrow
  131. Butterfly...not quite
  132. The cycle of life (somewhat squicky)
  133. friends
  134. Dusty
  135. Seal Vs Fish!!! ( slightly graphic)
  136. red-tail BIF
  137. Just a few from the local village zoo
  138. Black capped chickadee
  139. Chickadee????
  140. Eagles . . again
  141. Mallard
  142. The Landing
  143. Gulls
  144. The "Count" of Dover
  145. Helllloooo LLLadies!!!!
  146. Last one for a bit . . .
  147. Missed . . .
  148. 'Nother Raptor
  149. No Ugly Duckling
  150. Scared of me . . ?
  151. This better be the last one!
  152. Sibling Rivalry
  153. "Who you lookin' at . . !
  154. Rainy days get me down
  155. Rainy days get me down
  156. 'nother grebe
  157. Hello...Gorgeous
  158. weekend woodies
  159. Sleeping heron
  160. snipe hunting
  161. Hawk Eye (slightly graphic)
  162. The itchy duck
  163. Hey Don't Turn Your Back On Me, Come Back Hear
  164. The Owl and the Moose
  165. Eagles (well sort of)
  166. Another Tiny One
  167. Spring Is On The Way????
  168. Squawking Seagull
  169. Kitten no more
  170. Meet Mr. Squirrel
  171. A waterfront Pigeon
  172. sometimes a girl just can't make up her mind
  173. Mocking Me
  174. Finally A Hooter
  175. Colourful Little Falcon
  176. Landing Preparation
  177. On the run
  178. Bohemian Waxwings
  179. Soaring
  180. Oh hurry it up, we haven't all day!
  181. A Balanced Snooze
  182. Showing Off
  183. Are You Looking at Me
  184. Not the Roller Derby
  185. You just try and catch me ....
  186. Help me, I am stuck!
  187. Crow
  188. First time out with Siggy
  189. GoldenEye
  190. Terrible Trio
  191. The Sentinel
  192. Bison- Brown Ones, (not white)
  193. White Buffalo
  194. The "Evil Eye" - or - Portrait of a Ram
  195. A "one of" series ... resulsts from a trip with His Gregness to the Kananaskis
  196. Relief
  197. Hope Matt did better
  198. Behind you!
  199. Stared down
  200. Unexpected results
  201. I'm on the surface now Houston
  202. Posing hawk
  203. Happy feet?
  204. Eagle
  205. I can fly II
  206. Little storm watcher
  207. Water boy
  208. I See a Bunch of Photographers
  209. Sunday Morning Chickadee Shot.
  210. Lookin' Hip!
  211. Posing in colour
  212. The Lion fish, the Sea lion, and the Monarch
  213. Soaring Eagle overhead
  214. A touch of frost
  215. Crossbill
  216. You talkin' to me?
  217. Just don't want to live anymore!
  218. Junk Yard Cat
  219. Cape Glossy Starling
  220. Smile Doggy Smile
  221. Mr. Crow in the Snow
  222. The final turn
  223. Pining for spring
  224. Hear Fishy Fishy Fishy......( tiny bit graphic)
  225. Gone Fishing....( slightly graphic)
  226. Puss in window
  227. The minimal crow.
  228. Landing into the sun
  229. Eagles in the Tree
  230. Mr. Smooth
  231. Duck Fight
  232. Horse Team
  233. Beady Eye
  234. Hey Mad Aussie, Come Play In The Snow With Me.....
  235. When 600mm is Too Much
  236. Eagle Eye
  237. Upside down world view
  238. Mmmm.....Lunch!
  239. Another Kingfisher
  240. just a couple more inches.....
  241. Shy Butterfly Hiding
  242. welsh cob
  243. So Hungry I Could Eat A........( Warning-not for squeamish)
  244. Big Red, and The Little Chick
  245. Little More Winter Colour
  246. A Little Rusty....
  247. Finally, Some Colour
  248. Foxy Lady
  249. Belly Surfing Rocks
  250. What?