April 3 2016 by Lorey Barnum, on Flickr
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Nice slice of (possibly American) life composition.
I'd prefer to see the front of the person versus their backside (As usual).
This would also work well in BW or sepia.
Thanks Marko. Yes, American, in the state of Missouri. I agree it would have been nice to see the front of the person but taking a shot through the windshield while riding in the car I was happy with what I got. I appreciate you taking a look and commenting.
drive by photography! Well captured for sure.
"drive by photography".. never heard that before. My post "Weed Eating" is another "drive by" shot. I recently married (this past November) and so my wife does the driving around town and I sit with camera in lap and ready to shoot as soon as something catches my eye. I just started this and I've got a few acceptable shots so far. When I drove all the time I'd often see things I wished I could have got a quick shot at so now I can make that happen, but that's not the only benefit I've found in being married :)