A two-storey high, fire-breathing octopus from El Pulpo Mecanico
Very cool! I missed most of the Beakerhead events this year. :(
Nice one that first one, mbrager!
I've never heard of Beakerhead but both of those images have such awesome light. Very cool.
What a neat "monster". Saw it on TV, but your photo really shows how it's put together
That first one is great MB. Not sure about the gas bill though.
Like the both. First one is way cool and really sings "Fiery Monster" The second one I can't figure out what's happening but I think I'm distracted by the blonde girl on the right :laughing:
Thanks for your responses. Beakerhead in general, these two displays included, made me ask "why?" many times. I suppose the challenge of capturing images in difficult light was my own personal Beakerhead.
Just realized what a great sig you have :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Both are awesome MB. Love the fire and light in that first one, and the second really shows the crowd's interaction with the performers/displays.