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I like this image Lorey... has some good colour and juxtaposition going on for me.
The quote though I do not get. For me writing is indeed about the words you choose to use (and don't use) and music is about tones you choose (and the spaces between the tones) and photography is about photographs (it's about the space you use and do not use).
...Writing is not about words. Painting is not about pigment. Music is not about tones. As long as photographers insist that photography is about photographs, the art is limited and self-containing! - Brook Jensen
Thank you Marko for taking a look and comments.
As for the quote in my signature this is my thoughts. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..” The opening line in the novel ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ is not about the words best, times or worst. The thought, feeling and emotion that Mr. Dickens had is what the writing was about when he used words to write it. The notes B-flat, F and G-minor (or whatever notes would be used) is not what Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’ is about. It’s about the thought, feeling and emotion he had in mind to put the notes together to produce the masterpiece. Pixels, DOF, ISO, noise, lighting and so forth are not what a photograph is about. It’s the thought, feeling and emotion that use those things to produce the artwork. Maybe Mr. Jensen was trying to point out that If we tend to be too concerned with what we use to take a photograph with to make it technically correct then the art of photography will be limited. I don’t know exactly what his thoughts were but that’s what I perceived them to be.
I think you answered your question by using “what you choose”. What one chooses to create a work of art of any kind comes from one thoughts, feelings or emotions on how to use the tools to create it. Not the tools themselves.
Of course I always leave the option open that I’m completely wrong and don’t know what I’m talking about. Which many probably agree.
Gotcha Lorey :)
Nice colour and lines in this shot, and his hat matching the car is kinda cool too
Thanks RM. Appreciate the comments.
Now THIS is a perfect street photograph, imo. Love the connection between the car, and the man, in the yellow colour, and the type of car in correlation to the individuals look. Def a throwback look to it, and so wonderfully executed Lorey. Love it.
Yes, Runmonty beat me to it... the car and that hat are such a cool match. Nicely captured.
Thank you HG and Iggy!