Built like a brick $*&#house
a recent acquisition and another step deeper into learning classic film photography/development.
This is a 30+ year old Mamiya m645 medium format slr (6mm X 4.5mm negative) with metered Pd prism, 80mm f2.8 lens (the equivalent to a nifty fifty in 35mm), an f4 150mm telephoto and deluxe L Grip with shutter release. The body/prism and 80mm lens weigh in at 60 ounces, the 150 is 15.5 ounces on its own
Not shown, is the shopping bag of chemicals, graduated cylinders, tank, changing bag and other assorted paraphenalia that will launch me full blown into the developing of my own 35mm and 120/220 film. Printing and enlarging will be most likely on the horizon, after I have a good handle on the developing.
Wish me luck!