It's a dominant colour in Lunenburg. But you have to agree that it works
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It's a dominant colour in Lunenburg. But you have to agree that it works
pop! very nice and crisp image...
Wow! Awesome!
works for me! Lovely comp here.
When I get back next month I'm going to try this one from across the water at the golf course. I'm gonna be busy . . .
Don't know how I missed your post. Bad drugs I think . . LOL. I'm sure ready to meet up again. I have to photograph a wedding (my nephew) on Saturday in Chester at the golf course. Planning to get into Bridgewater Sunday morning as we're booked in for Sunday night. Hopefully I can get most of Sunday in and Monday until mid-afternoon. Lunenburg waterfront (across the harbor too) and Blue Rocks are my main goal. Your rotting windmill sounds particularly interesting . . all we need is the weather. I hope it will turn into Summer by the end of July. If the weather doesn't work out I'm thinking of staying over another night if I can get the same rooms. Calling my sister-in-law this evening to see if plans are any firmer than last I've heard.
Awesome shot Bambi...Love the reflections :thumbup:
Easy to see what caught your eye here. Nice work.
Excellent capture of a perfect scene, nice eye Bambi. Amazingly sharp, and that sky is beautiful.
cheers all!
Beautiful idyllic scene, wonderfully captured, Bambi!
Nicely composed, and cool sky.
When I read your first post I thought you were in Luxembourg, and was puzzled by the English writing :)
thanks Jas & Tim :)
I thought I had already commented on this picture but I guess I hadn't. So here it is;
That is awesome Bambi. Love the red buildings as they really stand out, cool reflection in the water, and a beautiful sky. Nicely done.
thanks snow!!
love the reflection in this Bambi - well done
Absolutely wonderful.
cheers barefoot and Ed.
This is an awesome shot, reminds me of 1960's Maine along the coast (Southwest Harbour or McKinley on Mt Desert Is.). (hmm, guess it would, since it's in the Maritimes, too, eh!)