It's a dominant colour in Lunenburg. But you have to agree that it works
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It's a dominant colour in Lunenburg. But you have to agree that it works
pop! very nice and crisp image...
Wow! Awesome!
works for me! Lovely comp here.
When I get back next month I'm going to try this one from across the water at the golf course. I'm gonna be busy . . .
Don't know how I missed your post. Bad drugs I think . . LOL. I'm sure ready to meet up again. I have to photograph a wedding (my nephew) on Saturday in Chester at the golf course. Planning to get into Bridgewater Sunday morning as we're booked in for Sunday night. Hopefully I can get most of Sunday in and Monday until mid-afternoon. Lunenburg waterfront (across the harbor too) and Blue Rocks are my main goal. Your rotting windmill sounds particularly interesting . . all we need is the weather. I hope it will turn into Summer by the end of July. If the weather doesn't work out I'm thinking of staying over another night if I can get the same rooms. Calling my sister-in-law this evening to see if plans are any firmer than last I've heard.
Awesome shot Bambi...Love the reflections :thumbup:
Easy to see what caught your eye here. Nice work.
Excellent capture of a perfect scene, nice eye Bambi. Amazingly sharp, and that sky is beautiful.