Variations on a Theme: the common Fork
Interesting study, Chrome always presents so challenges to light. It really like number 4. Excellent play :)
Love number 5! The dark, the light, the curves... very cool play.
Very cool set. I also like number 5.
Cool set! I am in the no.#4 camp.
LOVE LOVE this type of play!!!! well done!
Another vote for #4 here on an interesting, and well done set overall .
Hey thanks all. It's good to be bored ... and now that I obtained some remote triggers, I will be shooting even more stuff in my mini studio (hahahaa, now that was an exaggeration of the biggest kind). Just need to think of something that would be challenging .... methinks some watery stuff with bubbles, maybe ..
Very imaginative work!! I'll take #5 with that great shadow!