Yep, even in winter I can't stay away from cemeteries.
Had to climb up onto a 6-foot snowbank to get this and then I couldn't move forward or backward, but only side to side or else I'd fall off or sink. I'm sure the folks in the cars going by had a good laugh.
Not a problem as long as you are not a member of them. Nice picture.
You just can't stay away can you... :)
Nice one WD - Interesting and well-played title choice.
At first I thought it was a typo (relic) but then I'm like" no way, she's such a word nerd" - lol). So I looked it up and just added a new word to my vocabulary. :)
thanks guys.
yeah, I am a word nerd. the most often you see the word relict is in a cemetery so I thought it went pretty well. there's bound to be at least one relict in there.