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What I've been up to

This is a discussion on What I've been up to within the Architecture & Man Made (cities, buildings, roads, objects & abstracts) forums, part of the Show your photo (Color) - Landscape & Nature (flowers, mountains, storms etc.) category; Things have been very busy for me for the past few months. Lots of work both at home and with ...

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    Mad Aussie's Avatar
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    Default What I've been up to

    Things have been very busy for me for the past few months. Lots of work both at home and with my other job, plus several family/personal issues to deal with (some of you know about some of those) and my time at has been severely hindered. Where I could I've tried to get in and make comments when I could, sorry to those I didn't find, I often had literally a few minutes to dive in, comment and head for work or bed or whatever.

    Anyhow, things are still busy as hell for me but I've found some time this afternoon to grab a few shots and maybe ramble on for those who might be interested.

    My wife and I run a web development company which we've had for some time now. In fact, almost 10 years now. I'm basically a management consultant and our main graphic artist/designer for our company.

    However, I also work for a Design company as a 'Set Carpenter' ... 'set' as TV sets, Theatrical sets, Corporate Presentation sets etc. This job involves a hybrid skill set of carpentry, joinery, cabinet making, painting, scenic art, that sort of thing.

    On the side of all that, I write articles for national magazines and provide photos for those. This is mostly bike racing, touring and adventure mags related to biking. I do this stuff a bit more rarely these days. Having said that I've provided almost 50 photos for one mag recently, which reminds me I must let them know they are good to go with that!

    So, basically ... I'm a jack of all trades and master of sweet ... not much

    Moving back to the set carpentry again to explain the photos below, the biggest job we've had lately has been the new News Set for Channel Ten Brisbane.
    Channel Ten is one of the top 3 TV stations in this country and they have a couple of channels they run. We've built a few sets for them recently including a kids show but I can't reveal anything about that one until it's aired, so the snaps for that have to remain hidden for now.

    The News Set had a core team of 3 of us building it (myself and two others) plus a few labourers when needed. It's a big, curved set with lots of lighting and visual elements. I was involved in most aspects of the building, including all the painting and installation into the studio.

    Photographically I was also hired to take case study shots of the installation and final product as well as to take and provide the photo for the 9m long Bridge and Cityscape that features across the back of the set.
    The photo was then graphically altered by our designer to suit the set and feel of Channel Ten.

    Now this job is complete I'm working on another TV set for a regional channel. This one is a game show of some sort. The early starts and late finished continue.

    Anyhow, here's a few photos I took of the Ten News Set ...

    With the exception of the weather trolley, this is the full set. About 9m across and featuring my own photo I took specifically for this set.

    Bill McDonald (news presenter for Channel Ten) before one of the afternoon updates. This was the very first time the new set was used.

    Taken during lighting tests just before an afternoon update

    The weather plasma trolley we built for the set. This is where the weather girl shows us the ... well ... weather!

    Here we were in the process of pulling my cityscape photo (after some graphic design elements had been added) across during installation of the set.

    My photo of the Story Bridge and Brisbane City with some more of the individual elements of the new set we built.

    Some of the individual elements we built for the new set.

    Make up time Bill McDonald (news presenter for Channel Ten) before one of the afternoon updates. This was the very first time the new set was used.

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    This is the photo I took for the set ... they do use it in full colour during the weather sometimes.

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    very nice work MA, that set looks like it took some construction time.

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    I actually forget when we started it ... and we did about 5 other big jobs for other clients along the way so it got strung out a bit. Probably been on the go about 3 months I guess.

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    very nice work on the set and capture - must be a cool/rewarding feeling to watch the news and see your work prominently displayed
    " A good photograph is one that communicates a fact, touches the heart and leaves the viewer a changed person for having seen it. " Irving Penn

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    Hillbillygirl is offline Senior Member
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    WOW! Awesome work MA. Congrat's on a job extremely well done, and thanks for the behind the scenes look. Don't really know how you find the time to get out and enjoy your passion of photography.
    Reality is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there!

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    Freakin' awesome, MA. It must be very gratifying to have not only your photography but all your other efforts proudly displayed for all to see. I find it amazing that you have time to scratch your butt considering all the pies you have your fingers in. Thanks for sharing such a large piece of your work.
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    Thank you all.

    Edg - It is a buzz really. I've had many photos published in magazines before, a few in posters, flyers, even as the featured photo at a funeral last year. I've sold hundreds to sporting competitors, but this is a new one for me. Never had a photo blown up to over 8m long before and printed to vinyl, then slid into sail-track, and displayed on TV twice a day. Very cool.

    HBG - I don't get out much at present I'm afraid. Haven't ridden my bikes for many months and the weight is piling on. As Marko suggested, stress levels could be better but I'm ok.

    Iggy - yes exactly ... fingers in pies. That's my strategy. I'm not going to get rich doing only one thing so I'm learning to be multi-talented.

    Bambi - our designer at Iceworks Design is Gavin Hampstead who was with another Aussie TV station (our biggest actually) doing what I'm doing now, building the sets. He moved from there to Iceworks to be a designer.

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    Matt K.'s Avatar
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    Impressive! On all levels. Yes, MA, time to sit back, kick off your shoes and relax: job well done deserves a rest. Must be nice to be able to contribute in so many ways to the media, and must be quite rewarding for your soul. Congrats, and keep us posted on your next projects ...
    ~~ Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ~~

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    Quote Originally Posted by Matt K. View Post
    Impressive! On all levels. Yes, MA, time to sit back, kick off your shoes and relax: job well done deserves a rest. Must be nice to be able to contribute in so many ways to the media, and must be quite rewarding for your soul. Congrats, and keep us posted on your next projects ...
    Thanks Matt but no time to rest mate ... started the next project already.

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